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是什么激发了我多情的诗篇?What inspired this amorous rhyme?

那是小妖风情万种的笑颜。It is small demon amorous feelings bloom.

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轻浮的举止旨在引人注意。To stare in an impertinent, flirtatious, or amorous manner.

一对情人脉脉含情地相望着。The two lovers were looking at each other with amorous eyes.

“爱她们随后抛弃她们”是风流浪荡子唐璜的座右铭。"Love them and leave them" was the motto of the amorous Don Juan.

不解风情的老公也浪漫起来了?Indissoluble is the husband of amorous feelings romantic also rose?

在马尔代夫钓鱼也是一种别有一种风情。In the maldives fishing is also one kind fastens a amorous feelings.

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京都具有浓郁的日本风情,是日本人心灵的故乡。Kyoto have full-bodied amorous feelings of Japan, Japanese mind hometown.

而艳诗的写作又赋予了狎妓生活以更多的诗意和风流情调。On the other hand, the creation of erotic poems bring more amorous feelings.

荷花仙子本是王母侍女,美丽而多情。Lotus faery is king mother lady-in-waiting originally, beautiful and amorous.

扮演一位生活在陈的爱情盲点中的聪明嬉皮士女孩,龚蓓苾的表演也给人留下深刻的影响。Gong Beibi also impresses as a smart, hip girl who's Chen's amorous blind spot.

在过去那些日子里,我会把情场得意的情形,毫不保留的告诉他。In days of yore I had shared with him the minutest details of my amorous triumphs.

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玉多情让南正基赔偿65万自己就把自行车还给他。Let the South based compensation 650 thousand jade amorous himself back to his bicycle.

过分看重爱情的人都终须放弃了财富和智慧。For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection , quitteth both riches and wisdom.

在2002年,CNN报道了一个多情的海豚跟踪锁定了一个游泳的人,在英国的维莫斯。In 2002 CNN reported that an amorous dolphin was targeting swimmers in Weymouth, England.

“丝一般”的真情服务,使“欧陆风情”别具亲和力。Sincere service of "silk-like" familiarizes the "Amorous feelings from Europe Continent".

这个地球上,每两个人中就有一个人在14岁之前有了初吻。Every other person on the planet has his first amorous kiss before reaching the age of 14.

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娜塔丽为她和色迷迷的国王的调情戏谑做出了一种沙哑的、卖弄风情的嗓音。Natalie puts on a husky sexy voice for the billing and cooing she does with the amorous King.

我该相信连虚无的死神也爱慕你且带你去当他的情妇?。Shall I believe that unsubstantial death is amorous and keeps you in dark to be his paramour?

娜塔丽为她和色迷迷的国王的调情戏谑做出了一种沙哑的、卖弄风情的嗓音。Natalile puts on a husky sexy voice for the billing and cooing she does with the amorous king.