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波基,掩护我。我要行动了。Poky , cover me. I'm going in.

他们住在一个逼仄的小套间里。They live in a poky little flat.

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我这间卧室太窝憋。This bedroom is too poky for me.

Firefox很棒,但它有时会很迟钝。Firefox is great, but it can be poky.

开始察觉到你的台式机或笔记本电脑变的有那么点儿不好用了?Is your desktop or laptop computer starting to feel a little poky?

下岗职工刘永建仍然居住在他那间1958年建造的简陋的平房内。Laid-off worker Liu Yongjian still lives in his poky bungalow, which was built in 1958.

不提过去那些事情了,但是现在,别的同龄人都有自己的房子了,我还住在灰暗的小出租间里,这可太不公平了。Sod all. I'm living in a poky rented flat when I should have my own home at my age. It's not fair.

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容器空间狭小,潮湿闷热,环境恶劣,但是工人师傅们个个不畏困难,只有了三个小时就顺利完成了任务。Only three hours the tough workers have finished the work perfectly though the space is poky and muggy.

没能成为男孩子是我一直克服不了的失望,现在就更糟了,因为我拼命想跟爸爸上前线去打仗,可现在却只能呆在家里织这些玩意儿,活脱脱像个垂死的老太太!And it's worse than ever now, for I'm dying to go and fight with Papa. And I can only stay home and knit, like a poky old woman!

敦开一个简陋的小铺子做生意,现在他创立的公司已在全国建立分支机构。He set up in business fifty years ago in a tiny, poky shop in London, and now the company he found has branches all over the country.

尽管诸多不便,我宁愿住在这幢老房子里,也不愿住到那种狭小的平房里,在那里你连转身的地方都没有。I'd rather live in this old house with all its inconveniences than in one of those poky bungalows where you haven't room to swing a cat.

乔一边急切地说着,一边死劲儿甩着手里的蓝色军袜,直甩得编织针像西班牙舞蹈女郎手中的响板叮当作响,而毛线团则在房间里滚过来,滚过去。And I can only stay home and knit, like a poky old woman! 'And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets, and her ball bounded across the room.