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怀孕期约为22个月。Gestation is approximately 22 months.

它的长度大约是4180英里。Its length is approximately is 4180 miles.

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面积大概有一百平方码。The area is approximately 100 square yards.

他的薪水大约一星期85美元。His salary is approximately 85 dollars a week.

股骨差不多,是这个样子。This is what a femur approximately looks like.

大约7250万美国成年人肥胖。Approximately 72.5 million U.S. adults are obese.

约等于其GDP的百分之1.7。It is equal to approximately 1.7 per cent of GDP.

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圣·詹姆斯公园近似一个长长的三角形。St. Jame's Park is approximately a long triangle.

我做的这串黄金念珠足有12尺长。I had made a gold mala approximately 12 feet long.

陵区面积约40平方千米。Covering an area of approximately 40 square meters.

每个基站的服务范围大概是3平方公里。Each tower serves an area of approximately 3 sq km.

2006年,MRB的价值约为2500万美元。MRB had sales of approximately $25 million in 2006.

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这些记录层的厚度大约只有200微米。The layers are approximately 200 micrometres thick.

我的整个身体大约重五吨。The whole of me weighs approximately five old tons.

温室的大小大约是13英尺乘16英尺。The conservatory measures approximately 13ft x 16ft.

六甲人工岛地区约有宠物狗狗1000头左右。Approximately 1000 dogs and cat live in Rokko Island.

约52”措施的v字领线到前面折边。Measures approximately 52" from V-neck to front hem."

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教会世界服务社还同大约80个国家的合作伙伴共同组办活动。CWS works with partners in approximately 80 countries.

我不应该折腾同门。I should not toss approximately pupils of same master.

那么B大约是A0,e的负k2乘以时间次方。So B is approximately A0 e to the minus k2 times time.