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长冈乡是江西省兴国县的一个乡。Changkang Township is in Hsingkuo County, Kiangsi Province.

此割据对湘赣两省的影响,则有日益扩大之势。Our regime tended to exert an ever-growing influence on Hunan and Kiangsi.

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这个先锋队的前线红军大约9万人,于1934年离开南方的江西省。The vanguard, about 90,000 men of the First Front Army, left Kiangsi Province in the south in 1934.

有时须在根据地的中部,例如江西第一次反“围剿”时。At times it should be in the middle section of the base area, as in our first counter-campaign in Kiangsi.

江西没有本省的军队,向来都是外省军队来此驻防。Kiangsi has no provincial troops of its own and has always been garrisoned by troops from other provinces.

有时则在根据地的后部,例如江西第三次反“围剿”时。At other times, it should be fixed in the rear section of the base area, as in our third counter-campaign in Kiangsi.

由贵州经宝庆、湘乡、攸县、醴陵到江西去的鸦片,被拦截焚烧不少。Kweichow to Kiangsi via the counties of Paoching, Hsianghsiang, Yuhsien and Liling has been intercepted on the way and burned.

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敌军刘和鼎师远在福建白区的建宁,不一定越入江西。The enemy division under Liu Ho-ting was far away in Chienning in the White area of Fukien, and was unlikely to cross into Kiangsi.

庐山训练班,是一九三七年七八月间蒋介石在江西省庐山举办的。受训的是国民党的高中级人员。Course was set up by Chiang Kai-shek at Lushan, Kiangsi Province, to train high and middle-ranking officials of the Kuomintang party.

又如去年四月至五月在赣南各县的分兵,七月在闽西各县的分兵。And, again, we divided our forces in the counties of southern Kiangsi last April and May, and in the counties of western Fukien last July.

这里单说战略退却,江西叫做“诱敌深入”,四川叫做“收紧阵地”。Here we shall discuss only strategic retreat, which in Kiangsi was called " luring the enemy in deep" and in Szechuan "contracting the front".

方志敏,江西弋阳人,赣东北革命根据地和红军第十军的主要创建人。Comrade Fang Chih-min, a native of Yiyang, Kiangsi Province, was the founder of the Red area in northeastern Kiangsi and of the Tenth Red Army.

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除浙江情况我们不大明了外,江西福建两省党和群众的基础,都比湖南好些。We are not clear about the situation in Chekiang, but the Party's organizational and mass base is somewhat better in Kiangsi and Fukien than in Hunan.

〔11〕罗霄山脉是江西、南两省边界的大山脉,井冈山位于罗霄山脉的中段。The Lohsiao mountain range is a large range running along the borders of Kiangsi and Hunan Provinces. The Chingkang Mountains are in its middle section.

因为如果不相信革命高潮快要到来,便决不能得到一年争取江西的结论。For unless we had been convinced that there would soon be a high tide of revolution, we could not possibly have concluded that we could take Kiangsi in a year.

我们懂得了这三点,就可以解释为什么江西的农村起义比哪一省都要普遍,红军游击队比哪一省都要多了。Once we have grasped these three points, we can understand why rural uprisings are more widespread and the Red Army and guerrilla units more numerous in Kiangsi than in any other province.

至于往湘东,在湘鄂赣三省豪绅政权尚未分裂之前,亦决不宜用红军的主力去。As for moving to eastern Hunan, it was certainly inadvisable for the main forces of the Red Army to do so unless there was a split among the ruling landlords of Hunan, Hupeh and Kiangsi Provinces.

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因此,尽管当地部署的中国军队在名义上有十九个“军”之多,日军还是从此地一直向西攻入了江西省境内,直到中国军队八月份发动反击将他们赶走为止。Thus, despite nominal opposition by units from nineteen Chinese armies in the area, Japanese forces rapidly moved west into Kiangsi Province until a Chinese counterattack in August threw them back.