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先说语音So, phonology.

语音是声音,语态则是词Phonology is sounds. Morphology is words.

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学生对语音课缺乏学习热情。Students lack enthusiasm in learning phonology.

语音学和音系学词典,译文出版社。Trask, A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology.

语音学和音系学词典,译文出版社。R. L. Trask, A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology.

语音是语言的声音系统Phonology is the system of sounds that languages have.

这使句法学有别于音位学和语义学。This distinguished syntax from phonology and semantics.

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语言拥有声音系统,也就是语音So, we have the sound system of a language, the phonology.

语音学是无序的语音,音系学则注重有序。Phonetics foucuses on chaos while phonology focuses on order.

语音学和音位学的研究重心有何不同?How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study?

从音韵学的角度清理其失误,计有六处之多。This essay disposes of its six errors from the angle of phonology.

了解音韵学以及语言的需求性。Know what phonetics and phonology are and how language is acquired.

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音位系统论是特鲁别茨柯伊划分语音学和音位学的根本性理论。And this theory has made it possible to distinguish phonology from phonetics.

第二章描写郧县方言的声韵调系统。The second chapter describes the phonology transfer system of Yunxian dialect.

由中古汉语三十六字母到汉越音声母的演变具有规律性、系统性。Sino-vietnamese phonology system keeping up the middle ancient Chinese phonology.

通过系联诗歌韵脚字,考求诗文韵部系统是音韵学研究当中的一种重要方法。Unite the poem rhyming word is an important method in the study of Chinese phonology.

英语语音学和音位学是英语语言学中的两个主要分支。The English phonetics and phonology are two major branches of the English linguistics.

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毕业后,一边教学,一边刻苦钻研古文,研究文字声韵。After graduation, while teaching, study hard while writing, research writing Phonology.

根据日语原始的音韵结构,最先没有促音。Glottal stop did not exist according to the structure of original phonology in Japanese.

人类语言在功能上有相通之处,因而音韵可以翻译。Human languages share commonplace in function and it makes phonology transference possible.