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洪都拉斯的麻烦和穷困已经够多了。There’s enough trouble and poverty in Honduras already.

得到帕拉西奥斯为我们开启了洪都拉斯一扇门。Getting Palacios has opened up the door to Honduras for us.

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目前,中国和洪都拉斯还没有外交关系,但是中方同样关注洪都拉斯的国内形势,希望洪都拉斯国内形势尽快恢复稳定。At present, China has no diplomatic relations with Honduras.

他说,这些非法举动是对洪都拉斯以及洪都拉斯人民的犯罪。He says these were crimes against Honduras and the Honduran people.

服刑2年后,她获得假释并被遣返回洪都拉斯。After a few years in prison, she was paroled and deported to Honduras.

其他包括中国、马来西亚、哥伦比亚和洪都拉斯。Others with the same aim include China, Malaysia, Colombia and Honduras.

服装厂正从洪都拉斯搬往尼加拉瓜的自贸区。Garment factories are moving from Honduras to a Nicaraguan free-trade zone.

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马达加斯加的前总统考虑了这一想法,洪都拉斯也或许对此产生了兴趣。The previous Madagascan president considered it, and Honduras may be close too.

洪都拉斯特古西加尔巴,一只蜻蜓正在石头上休憩。A dragonfly is seen settled over a rock near a little river in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

法库赛说,洪都拉斯可以依靠移居美国的同胞的帮助。Facusse says Honduras can count for help on its expatriots living in the United States.

尖锐对立的政治气氛使得迅速解决洪都拉斯政治危机变得很困难。The sharply divided political climate in Honduras may make any quick resolution difficult.

洪都拉斯的军事政变给查韦斯当局带来了一个巨大的挑战。The coup in Honduras presents a huge challenge to the authority of Chávez in Latin America.

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早些时候,塞拉亚先生发誓说将在星期四返回洪都拉斯,但后来他把期限延迟了。Mr. Zelaya had initially vowed to go back to Honduras on Thursday, but he agreed to postpone

据国际艾滋病协会介绍,拉丁美洲艾滋病病毒感染率最高的国家仍然是危地马拉和洪都拉斯。The IAS said that in Latin America, HIV prevalence remains highest in Guatemala and Honduras.

作为六月份洪都拉斯内部变动的结果,美国停止对洪都拉斯一切非人道主义援助。The US has halted all non-humanitarian aid to Honduras in the wake of the coup there in June.

美国五角大楼宣布,它已停止了其所有在洪都拉斯的联合行动。The Pentagon announced that it had stopped all joint operations with its counterparts in Honduras.

塞拉亚在9月21日秘密返还洪都拉斯,目前躲在特古西加尔巴的巴西大使馆中。He secretly returned to Honduras September 21 and is holed up at the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa.

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意大利在明天的揭幕战中面对洪都拉斯,之后还要与喀麦隆和韩国交手。Italy take on Honduras tomorrow morning in their opening game with Cameroon and South Korea lying in wait.

洪都拉斯南部城市圣佩德罗苏拉一座足球场发生枪击案,至少14人死亡。At least 14 people have been shot dead on a football pitch in the city of San Pedro Sula in northern Honduras.

他们会在巨石运动场举行一种原始形式的足球赛,在洪都拉斯和危地马拉你会看到这种比赛。They played a primitive kind of football in great stone stadia, which you can visit in Honduras and Guatemala.