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权力就是华盛顿特别的毒品。Washington’s narcotic of choice is power.

麻醉性镇痛药和酒中毒。Narcotic analgesics and alcohol poisoning.

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我先给你一针止痛针让你好受些。Oh, I give you a bolus of narcotic injection which let you feel better.

一定程度的梦想,正如适量的镇静剂,是好的。A certain amount of dreaming is good, like a narcotic in discreet doses.

目的了解我院门诊麻醉性镇痛药的使用情况。Objective To analyze the utilization of narcotic analgesics in our hospital.

纳洛酮一种药品,C19H21NO4,用作一种麻醉性药物的对抗剂,如吗啡。A drug, C19H21NO4, used as an antagonist to narcotic drugs, such as morphine.

芬太尼是疼痛治疗可以选择的麻醉药。Fentanyl is the narcotic of choice in the postoperative period for treating pain.

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三氯甲烷三类可供制造海洛因等毒品的化学品实行出口管制。And chloroform, which can be used for synthesis of heroin and other narcotic drugs.

末经批准的任何单位和个人,一律不得从事麻醉药品的生产活动。Without approval, no unit or individual shall be allowed to produce narcotic drugs.

禁止携带危险玩具、武器或毒品来校,违者开除。Dangerous toys, weapons, and narcotic drugs are prohibited on campus. Violator will be.

目的探讨医院麻醉药品的管理方法和对策。Objective To investigate the hospital management of narcotic drugs and countermeasures.

超剂量的麻醉镇痛药会造成中枢神经系统阻抑、呼吸停止以及死亡。A narcotic overdose can cause central nervous system depression, respiratory failure, and death.

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目的探讨碧兰在牙体牙髓病治疗过程中的麻醉疗效。Objective To investigate the dental pulp disease primacaine in the treatment of narcotic effect.

禁止携带危险玩具、武器或毒品来校,违者开除。Dangerous toys, weapons, and narcotic drugs are prohibited on campus. Violator will be dismissed.

氢可酮是一种广泛运用于治疗疼痛和抑制咳嗽的麻醉药品。Hydrocodone is a narcotic that is widely used to treat pain and suppress cough. There are seven F.

RFA后的剧烈疼痛是罕见的,但一旦发生可能会持续数天,需要麻醉剂来缓解痛苦。Severe pain after RFA is uncommon, but may last a few days and require a narcotic to provide relief.

芬太尼贴皮剂,是一种经皮发挥强镇痛作用的药剂,是FDA警告的对象。The fentanyl patch, which delivers a powerful narcotic through the skin, is the subject of an FDA alert.

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我想我们也可以把类似的原则用在开麻醉止痛药和抗焦虑药物上。I suggest that we apply a similar principle to the prescribing of narcotic painkillers and anti-anxiety drugs.

利用、教唆未成年人走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品,或者向未成年人出售毒品的,从重处罚。Whoever makes use of minors or aids and abets them to smuggle , traffic in, transport or manufacture narcotic.

但是她们不会选择去酒吧买醉,不会用香烟麻醉自己,不会让自己在灯红酒绿的世界里迷失自己。They will not choose to go bar, sometimes narcotic own cigarettes, in which the virtual world of their own lost.