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我喜欢她童稚般的纯真。I enjoy her childlike innocence.

我们对于未知的一切有着一份赤子般的信仰。We have a childlike belief in the unknown.

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童稚的心,享受单纯本身的喜悦。A childlike heart enjoys the joy of purity.

我要怎样才能更冲动、更有赤子之心呢?How can I become more impulsive and childlike?

戴维逊的双眼发出狂喜的光芒。A childlike innocence shone out of his handsome eyes.

这是一个快乐的色彩,唤起孩子般的繁荣。It is a cheerful color, evoking childlike exuberance.

愿你永远保持一颗童心。You always willing to maintain a Childlike Innocence.

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最后,如果你有孩子,那就让他们有个孩子样儿吧!And last, if you have children, let them be childlike.

作为成年人,我们应该更加天真烂漫。Our goal as adults should be to become more childlike.

我就常常用小孩子说话的方式来讲故事。I have always used the childlike plan of talking it out.

我和她熟悉起来之后,她那孩子般的纯朴逐渐赢得我的喜爱。Her childlike simplicity grows on me as I know her better.

童心未泯的双子座当然会选这种鬼。Childlike Geminis will choose this kind of lucifer of course.

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他和生人谈话简直像小孩子一样面嫩。He shows an almost childlike timidity in talking with strangers.

其魅力缘于他的赤子般“纯念”和孺子般“真诚”。His enchantment comes from his childlike pureness and sincerity.

可是马白夫公公没有全部丧失他那种富于孩子气的宁静。Still, Father Mabeuf had not entirely lost his childlike serenity.

快乐的,孩子跳过了法院的一个消防阿龙布鲁克斯。The happy, childlike skip down the court of an on-fire Aaron Brooks.

愿你保持一颗简单的童心,伴着节日的脚步舞蹈。May you keep a simple childlike innocence, with festival dance steps.

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在你看来,我就像个小孩,因为我只能说些孩子般的话。I seem like a child because I onlysay childlike things in your English.

他虽年近半百,但仍童心未泯。Though nearly at the age of fifty, he still retains childlike innocence.

赤子的个性也许可以解释为何我是如此的怀念过去。This childlike quality may account for why I miss the past so desperately.