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会堂里的人都定睛看他。The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him.

把它放到犹太教堂或教会。Put it somewhere else in the synagogue or the church.

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该犹太教堂布满了反犹太涂鸦。The synagogue was covered with anti-Semitic graffiti.

你会去教堂,犹太教会,或者清真寺吗?Would you go to church or the synagogue or the mosque?

至少赎罪日那天,我会在犹太会堂为此祈祷!At least that's what I was praying for in synagogue during Yom Kippur!

该Dohany街犹太教堂在布达佩斯也被称为伟大的犹太教堂。The Dohany Street Synagogue in Budapest is also known as the Great Synagogue.

这座犹太教堂因为有摩尔风格并和摩尔王宫相似而闻名。The synagogue was noted for its Moorish style and resemblance to the Alhambra.

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每逢安息日,保罗在会堂里辩论,劝化犹太人和希腊人。And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.

当众人看见耶稣和管会堂的人一决雌雄时,想像一下他们嬉笑的情景。Picture the smirks of people who saw the showdown between Jesus and the synagogue ruler.

那就像戴着纳粹符号进犹太庙一样令人作呕,一样毫无情理。That is like entering a synagogue with a swastika on your chest. That doesn't make any sense.

有一个管会堂的人,名叫睚鲁,来见耶稣,就俯伏在他脚前。Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet.

这座城市里犹太教堂的壁画堪与大马士革国立博物馆的大厅媲美。Frescoes from the synagogue at Dura-Europos grace the halls of the National Museum in Damascus.

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亚多模的妈妈在会堂门前看见亚修拉赶来,非常高兴和冲动。And many of the mother in the synagogue door model to come, see the seurat very happy and impulse.

宗教领袖和外交官聚集在孟买的犹太教堂举行烛光追悼会。Religious leaders and diplomats gathered for a candle-lit memorial service in the city's synagogue.

我就说,主阿,他们知道我从前把你的人,收在监里,又在各会堂里鞭打他们。And I said, Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee

到了加加农、耶稣就在安息日进了会堂教训人。They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach.

访问Dohany街犹太教堂旅行时,要在这个自由布达佩斯视频旅游小贴士。Visit the Dohany Street Synagogue when traveling to Budapest with tips in this free video on tourism.

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焚烧教堂的事件似乎在形成连锁效应,就像1992年爆发的破坏犹太教堂的事件。The church burnings seemed to feed off one another, much as a rash of synagogue defacements had in 1992.

还有一座为雷纳尔特和家人而设立的犹太教堂,以及一个备用的发电站,以确保一切正常运转。There’s a synagogue for Rennert and his family — and an on-premise power plant to keep everything running.

指定用这笔钱修缮该市的天主教教堂,并修建一个新的犹太教会堂。He earmarked the money for the restoration of the city's cathedral and the construction of a new synagogue.