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小卖部的电话卡都卖完了··Commissary of the phone cards are sold out

英国学习委员,学习成绩好。UK study commissary , the academic record is good.

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我是班上的学习委员,又兼任班上的团支部书记。Yes. I was the class commissary in charge of studies.

前些天被班长和学习委员冲进他家揍个稀巴烂。Recently he is beat by class leader and study commissary.

盖着破帆布的军需车摇摇晃晃地在凌乱的车辙中驶着。Commissary wagons with torn canvas covers rocked through the ruts.

维尔福在门口遇了正在等候他的警官。At the door he met the commissary of police, who was waiting for him.

我是班上的学习委员,又兼任班上的团支部书记。Yes, I am the class commissary in charge of studies and the League secretary as well.

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我感觉到斯特恩或亚力山大会在联盟中烂花这笔钱。I would tell Stern or Alexander that they will be spending that money in the commissary in Hell.

也许是那警官在街的另一头,做他的例行劝降工作。It was probably the commissary of police who was making the legal summons at the other end of the street.

物资供销部门征收的食品税已高到使亚特兰大居民的饮食也开始蒙受损失了。The commissary was laying such heavy levies on foodstuffs that the tables of Atlanta were beginning to suffer.

周六的晚上在波尔班克举行了一场现场拍卖会,期间还提供给假日晚餐派对。Saturday night there was a live auction that included a holiday dinner party at the corporate commissary in Burbank.

他向圣马尔索郊区走去,向最先遇到的一家铺子探听什么地方有警察的哨所。He directed his course towards the faubourg Saint-Marceau and asked at the first shop he came to where he could find a commissary of police.

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用同样的办法可以计算出,如果在医院或学校的屋顶上建立体农场,那么一层一英亩屋顶将为医护人员或教职工提供相当于16英亩农田的粮食。Similarly, a one-acre roof atop a hospital or school, planted at only one story, could yield 16 acres of victuals for the commissary inside.

学习中等偏上,管学习委员叫老大,做事没主见,学习委员说一他不敢说二。Study medium on, calls commissary in charge of study as a boss, not assertive work, commissary in charge of study said one he did not dare to say two.

相反,许多能力非常强的人却因为过于完美主义,事必躬亲,认为什么人都不如自己,最后只能做最好的攻关人员销售代表,成不了优秀的领导人。Contrarily, if you are a completist, and consider yourself always right, then you only can become a distribution commissary and can't be a excellent leader.

陪X到二饭小卖部下买咖啡,然后就在买饼干那商品架上转了转,眼一尖,便看到了一包猪油膏。Accompany X to the two under the commissary to buy coffee, rice, and then buying that product shelf twisted my biscuit, a sharp eye, he saw a bag of pig grease.

圣艾蒂安·德·蒙星期堂敲十一点钟时,他正从蓬图瓦兹街十四号警察哨所门前走过。As eleven o'clock struck from Saint-Etienne-du-Mont, he was traversing the Rue de Pontoise, in front of the office of the commissary of police, situated at No. 14.

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我首先作一下自我介绍,我叫,来自XX班,是XX班班长、体育委员及治安部高一负责人之一。First I introduce myself, my name is XX, from class XX, classmonitor, commissary in charge of sports and public security department is responsible for one of the high a.

我只对一个人说过我的问题,这个人就是陪同我的那名委员,他听后情绪非常低落,说他认为列宁不会回答这些问题。I had spoken of my questions to only one man, the Commissary who accompanied me, and he became very depressed, and gave it as his opinion that Lenin would not answer them.

起飞前一天,包括阿曼达•费希在内的6名乘务员身着绿色的一件式飞行制服,于早上8点在安德鲁空军基地的物资供应所集合,采购飞行必需品。The day before the flight, six attendants, including Airman Fauci, met at the Andrews base commissary at 8 a.m. in their green, one-piece flight suits to shop for supplies.