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听言方丈悲痛流泪。Yet the abbot sad tears.

你在想我是坎特伯雷市的修道院长。This is the chamber of the abbot.

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你在想我是坎特伯雷市的修道院长。You think that I am the Abbot of Canterbury.

修道院院长在年轻的修道士中接纳了三人进入教团。The abbot professed three of the young monks.

显然,二寂是诚实的,理应由他来当住持。Obviously, Er Ji is honest and should be the abbot.

钱先生转述少林寺方丈释永信的话说。Mr. Qian relayed Shaolin Temple abbot Shi as saying.

正殿后面是方丈和僧人的住处。Behind the hall is the residence of the abbot and monks.

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“圣林”修道院的主持是弱者的万无一失的靠山。The good Abbot of Holywood is a strong pillar to the weak.

住持决定明天举行传戒仪式。The abbot decided to hold the initiation ceremony tomorrow.

“圣林”修道院是弱者强有力的靠山。The good abbot of holy wood is a strong pillar to the weak.

作为一名修道士,必须作奉献,并服从修道院院长。Being a monk requires dedication and obedience to the abbot.

大修道院是一个修道院,由住持或住持。A large monastery is an Abbey headed by an Abbot or an abbess.

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中国古代,厨师的地位仅次于寺庙的住持。In ancient China the cook was revered second only to the abbot.

所有小修道院都由克吕尼的院长直接管理。All the priories were made directly subject to the abbot of Cluny.

主持承认“现在对我们的哲学而言是个非常困难的时期。“Now is a very difficult time for our philosophy,” the abbot admits.

闻道找来方丈,恳求方丈救正因他们。Smell the way to the abbot, begged the abbot to save because of them.

甚至,如果这位主持愿意的话,这里还将引起更多的麻烦。Yet, if the abbot has his wish, it will cause a lot more trouble yet.

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“真是漂亮。”议员评论说。它的同伴咕哝着表示同意。"That had to smart, " said the Abbot. His companion grunted in agreement.

在古代的时候,有一个少林寺的方丈到外地化缘。In ancient times, when there is a Shaolin abbot of appealing to the field.

议员对这样的疯食十分反感,加快了步伐。The Abbot had no love of such feeding frenzies and lengthened his strides.