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最坏的结果也不会使他烦恼。The worst results cannot faze him.

我那份改头换面的成绩单,并没有引起商学院的疑虑。My duff transcript did not faze the schools I applied to.

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首先一些号码是被遗漏起来,这会使黑猩猩很困惑。First, some digits were omitted, which didn't faze the chimps.

但是这种每次都会遇到的常规性的问题一点也没有难到他。But the historical implications don't faze him in the slightest.

我以神的姿态,闪耀在这美的瞬间,凡人勿扰。I in God's attitude, shine in this beautiful moment, man not faze.

不管发生什么事情,无论出现什么状况,你都应该表现得毫不担忧。No matter what happens or comes up, you should act like it doesn’t faze you.

如想要向人士请与个人直接联系,中介请勿打扰!Be like intended person contact directly with oneself please, intermediary faze !

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待在第三世界的环境中会发生什么事丝毫不会让你担忧。The prospect of staying in Third World surroundings doesn't faze you in the least.

在刺骨的气温并没有及时归队齐默,谁说,他已经捕捞,因为他的尿布了。The nippy temperatures didn't faze Zimmer, who said he has been fishing since he was in diapers.

“一开始一个女孩子独自旅行还挺害怕”,她说道,“现在它再也不会令我烦扰了。”“At first I was scared of traveling alone as a female,” she said. “Now it doesn’t faze me anymore.”

穆罕默德当时刚被确诊患上帕金森症,但病症没有让朗尼烦恼。Muhammad had recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, but the diagnosis didn’t faze Lonnie.

但是,对比基辅政治干扰许多移民们生活带来的混乱与腐败,它的好处也是显而易见的。But the gains are palpable, in contrast to the chaos and corruption of Kiev politics which faze many émigrés.

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非常有趣的一点是德国决定到2022年为止停用所有的核能发电厂。One very interesting development is Germany's decision to faze out all of their nuclear power plants by 2022.

美国政府宣布了自去年9月以来最低的失业数字,这并没有给股市带来太大的刺激。The government's announcement of the lowest job-loss numbers since September didn't much faze the stock market.

即便是即将走进40岁这一对好莱坞女性而言并不值得庆幸的事件都没有令她心烦意乱。Even the prospect of turning 40 in February in ageist Hollywood doesn't seem to faze her. "I'm not saying I'm 40."

即便是大众汽车这种努力成为世界最大汽车生产商的公司,也不能让她退却。Even a corporate giant like Volkswagen – striving to be the world’s biggest car company – cannot faze the princess.

巴布什卡上方的灯是它的开关,轻轻一按,它就会伴随着不通颜色的变换一直地转圈圈。Turn Babushka on and off by pushing down on the top of the light, and watch it faze through its cycle revealing varied colors as it goes.

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而寒冷的空气似乎并没能阻挡这从四川卧龙大熊猫保护中心来的“四男六女”贵宾团。Cool didn't seem to faze the four male and six female pandas as they arrived from their home at the Wolong Giant Panda Reserve Center in Sichuan.

对于埃里克松来说,幸运的是欧文的训练记录表示压力并没有让这位第三次参加世界杯的前锋感到胆怯。Fortunately for Eriksson, Owen' s track record shows that pressure does not faze a26- year-old who is now looking forward to his third World Cup.

说真的,我并不奇怪大家会都觉得我是错的,真正让我恼火的是我很难拿到研究基金。It didn't really faze me too much that everybody thought I was wrong, but it annoyed me that I was having trouble getting research grants and so forth.