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你可是个稀客。You are a rare visitor.

请把客人带进来。Show the visitor in, please.

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陈路在访客名单上签名,然后与罗伯茨先生乘电梯到十八楼。Larry signs the visitor list.

然后有一位潜行的不速之客来访了。Then a prowling visitor arrives.

请把客人带进来。Have the visitor show in, please.

来访者逗留的时间过久。The visitor over-stayed his time.

他把来访者浑身上下打量了一番。He stared the visitor up and down.

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但是我们这位贵客实在太固执。But our visitor was very obstinate.

昨天下午我遇到了一个不速之客。Ihad a visitor yesterday afternoon.

拉起客人蹦蹦跳!Pulls up the visitor to jump jumps!

客方1——这是你首次与两位主方人员见面。Visitor 2 —You already know Host 1.

这位男演员是医生的客人。An actor is the visitor of a doctor.

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但是我们这位贵客实在太固执。But our visitor was very obstinate.

鲜鱼四日臭,来客三日香。Fish and visitor smell in three day.

但是没有参观者会理解这些。But no visitor would understand that.

而那位访客则飞回了自己的星球。But the visitor flew back to his planet.

让游客心理上得到明确。Let the visitor get mentally definitely.

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一位参观者站在书法作品前欣赏。A visitor stands in front of calligraphies.

我带了一位访客来见莫里,我的老婆。I brought a visitor to meet Morrie. My wife.

我们如何才能撵走这不受欢迎的客人呢?。How can we get rid of this unwelcome visitor?