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我们都易受广告的影响。We are all susceptible to advertising.

他仍然抵挡不了右手下划拳。He's still susceptible to an overhand right.

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孩子易患各种疾病。Children are susceptible to various illnesses.

大多数小麦品种都可以感染秆锈病。Most wheat crops are susceptible to stem rust.

中国对网络舆论压力敏感么?Is China susceptible to international pressure?

儿童特别容易受到这些病毒的摧残And children are particularly susceptible to these.

果实集群易受霜霉病。The fruit clusters are susceptible to downy mildew.

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我对消费僵死的咒语非常敏感。I am susceptible to spells of consumer rigor mortis.

她认为他对女人毫无招架之力。He was, she believes, unusually susceptible to women.

年轻人易受大众传播媒体的影响。Youth are susceptible to the influence of mass media.

这段话可作各种解释。This passage is susceptible of various interpretations.

张志英说,“东方汽轮机厂好比石头般坚固,不会被任何挫折打倒。”Dongfang is rock solid, not susceptible to any setbacks.

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找出你在什么时候最有可能跑题?Figure out when are you most susceptible to blabbing on.

绵羊似乎较之牛或骆驼更易患病。Sheep appear to be more susceptible than cattle or camels.

这时它们才意识到感情不忠的存在。This is when they are susceptible to emotional infidelity.

抗虫但易感病的品种是上梅洲。Shangfuzhou is resistant Insect and susceptible to disease.

剑尾鱼是白内障的易发群体。The BY-F swordtail fish are susceptible to develop cataract.

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短袜和长简袜都很容易带电。Socks and stockings are particularly susceptible to charging.

不过,穆加贝的政权更易受到外界压力的影响。Yet his regime is more susceptible to pressure than it seems.

所以你很可能会感染天花And so you would be susceptible to infection by this organism.