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米系列“夜猎者”。Mi Night Hunter.

现在谁是猎杀者?Who's the Hunter Now?

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阿尔西是个天才猎人。Arcee is a born hunter.

猎人骑马瞎冲乱闯。The hunter bruised along.

猎人捕得一只臭鼬。The hunter snared a skunk.

想成为一条巨龙猎人吗?Want to be a dragon hunter?

猎人打伤了鹿。The hunter wounded the deer.

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猎人瞄准了那只狼。The hunter aimed at the wolf.

猎人打死了老虎。Thee hunter killed the tiger.

猎人捕获了一只豪猪。The hunter seized a porcupine.

老虎扑向猎人。The tiger leapt at the hunter.

奥利安是位身材高大的猎手。Orion Orion was a giant hunter.

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猎人们追踪到那只熊并把它杀了。The hunter was tracking a hare.

猎人开初走开。The hunter started to walk away.

我这就给你接亨特先生。I'll connect you with Mr. Hunter.

亨特先生说,“对不起,儿子!Mr. Hunter says, “I’m sorry, son!

猎人被熊赶上了树。The hunter was treed by the bear.

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猎手从山岭回到了故园。And the hunter home from the hill.

亨特预料她会来。Hunter expects that she will come.

我提议汉特先生来干这工作。I proposed Mr. Hunter for the job.