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为什么最近的很多研究集中于胎儿感觉?。Why the recent interest in fetal sentience ?

有些人相信花有知觉能力。Some people believe in the sentience of flowers.

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一个关键的问题是知觉,或者能够感受到快乐和痛苦。A key issue is sentience , or the ability to feel pleasure and pain. For.

以这个为底线,我们知道情感和意识是逐渐演变的。Given that as a baseline, we know that sentience and consciousness have evolved.

我承认外面的老鼠有知觉,狐狸也有知觉。I recognize the sentience of the mice outside, and also the sentience of the fox.

他们在意识和知觉上有道德权力。They have moral rights on the basis of consciousness and sentience and rationality.

当然肯定是一只狡猾的动物,然而却没有自我的意识。A cunning animal, to be sure, but in possession of no true self-awareness or sentience.

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虽然被视为一种愚蠢的想法,但有关植物间交流的研究却也不断增多。But even if full-blown sentience was a silly idea, research on plant communication gathered.

它们似乎没有任何知觉,社会,或野心,只知道吞下它们遇到的任何东西。They do not appear to have any sort of sentience , society, or ambition beyond engulfing whatever they encounter.

宇宙的诞生和被感知是同一过程,神感知到宇宙,宇宙就成为具体的存在。This universe came into existence as soon as sentience perceived it. The Gods looked upon the universe, and it existed.

醒来指路的佛,死在知觉退化中的获选者弥赛亚,是金色永恒。The awakened Buddha to show the way, the chosen Messiah to die in the degradation of sentience , is the golden eternity.

在脑血管病中,最常用的是运动性失语,其次是感觉性失语。In cerebral blood-vessel disease, the most commonly used is motility is broken language, it is sentience is broken next language.

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尽管在生命早期不具备智慧,瘴疴虫从宿主身上吸取足够的智力后,可以获得真正的智慧。Though they began life as non-sentient creatures, Droch could gain true sentience after draining enough intelligence from a host.

但是,他伤得太重,他内在的有些东西已经消失了,他的一些感觉已不复存在,是一片没有知觉的空白。But he had been so much hurt that something inside him had perished, some of his feelings had gone. There was a blank of in sentience.

术前脱抑制治疗后用同视机可查到潜在的知觉融合及运动融合功能,可预测术后双眼视功能的重建。Latent sentience fusion and movement fusion can be detected with an amblyoscope before surgery and it can forecast binocular visual function.

许多人认为这是因为它古怪的录制方式,毫无必要的完美主义作风,因特网的提前泄密以及项目预算过高,在预算最终降下来之前该CD就已经广为人知了。Many attribute the delay to bizarre recording practices, needless perfectionism, Internet leaks and a project debt so vast it gained sentience before it was finally put down.

我预料由于你对植物感觉能力的关心,你自己将不再修割你的草坪、买鲜花、或吃任何水果或蔬菜,这种日子你是怎么过的?I expect that with your concern for plant sentience you are no longer cutting your grass, buying flowers or eating any fruits or vegetables yourself. How is that going for you?