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仰即遵照Hope you will obey and do accordingly.

而他也因此购买人寿保险。And he buys life insurance accordingly.

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水需求也会随之增加。Demand for water will rise accordingly.

同时,图纸登记薄也需要相应修订。The drawing register is revised accordingly.

相应地修改该项目的类路径。Modify the classpath of the project accordingly.

因此法科尔很快任命了科尔曼。Accordingly Fakeer appointed Colman very quickly.

边缘密封必须作出相应不透气。The edge seal must be made accordingly gas-tight.

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请将你的合同文本作相应修改。Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly.

请将你的合同副本做相应地修正。Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly.

我们必须相应地配置内容助理。We must configure the content assistant accordingly.

记得人们的名字并且能找着拼出来。Remember people’s names and address them accordingly.

您的意见我们一定照实向上反映。We'll report your opinions to our superior accordingly.

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由此形成了罗总主教的生命哲学。Archbishop Lo formed his philosophy of life accordingly.

然后可以相应地执行应用程序逻辑。You can then execute your application logic accordingly.

然后此控制装置相应地调整照明。The control device then adjusts the lighting accordingly.

徐松的学术成就相应地切合了时代的需要。Xu Song accordingly meet the academic needs of the times.

世卫组织已相应更新其累计病例数。WHO has updated its cumulative number of cases accordingly.

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因此,我把哈里曼的意见告诉了总统。Accordingly I sent Harriman 's views along to the President.

他想到阿拉宾先生的谦虚谨慎,就觉得好笑。He laughed accordingly at the idea of Mr. Arabin 's modesty.

请把你们的决定通知我们,我们会照着去办的。Please inform us of your decision and we will act accordingly.