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我希望简能得到她一直渴望的教授职位。I hope Jan gets that professorship she's in for.

他从讲师晋升为教授。He advanced from a lectureship to a professorship.

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这些外教中,五人具有博士学位,两位是正教授。Five of the native staff hold PhD degrees and two hold full professorship.

这本书的出版加速了他晋升正教授的进程。The publication of this book accelerated his promotion to full professorship.

那是在2023年,我正致力于完成一项研究,以此来获得教授的头衔。The year was 2023 and I was finishing the project that would win me my professorship.

在鹿特丹,他的妻子去世了,朗费罗孑然一身来到剑桥,在那儿担任了教授。In Rotterdam, his wife died, and Longfellow came alone to Cambridge and the new professorship.

杜布赞斯基在1940年接受了美国哥伦比亚大学教授,并搬回纽约。In 1940 Dobzhansky accepted a professorship at Columbia University, and moved back to New York.

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因此,我非常高兴地接受了南开大学访问教授这一荣誉称号。Therefore it was a great pleasure for me to accept a visiting professorship at Nankai University.

哈佛大学将设立首个研究男女同性恋、双性恋、变性问题的讲座教授职位。Harvard University is creating an endowed professorship in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual studies.

我非常荣幸和高兴能够受聘为教授,为万杰的质子治疗提供一些帮助。It is my great honor and pleasure to accept a professorship to be of any help for the proton therapy at Wanjie.

霍姆斯是个有本事的医生,他在哈佛医学院做了三十五年的解剖学教授。Holmes was an able medical man, who held a professorship of anatomy at havard medical school for thirty-five years.

杰克逊一直在军队服役直到1851年接受了弗吉尼亚军事学院教授职位。Jackson continued his military service until he accepted a professorship at the Virginia Military Institute in 1851.

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经典的教授模式是集中在一些社会方面的主题上,试图给学生们以答案。It's a classical situation of professorship by focus on certain topics within society and trying to gie answer to them.

年,马氏在中国获得副教授职衔,并获委任为中国深圳设计学院之助理院长。In 1996, Ma was granted associate professorship in China and assigned as assistant dean for the new Shenzhen University.

他在斯坦福大学获得教育学博士学位,去年被评为有名望的大学教授。He earned his PhD in Education from Stanford University and he was awarded the prestigious University professorship last year.

1960年至1966年间,菲尔普斯曾经执教于耶鲁大学和宾西法尼亚大学,1971年起任美国哥伦比亚大学经济学教授。From 1960-1966 he held appointments at Yale and its Cowles Foundation, then a professorship at Penn. In 1971 he joined Columbia.

我还想表达对于受聘为万杰医学院教授的诚挚感谢,这对我来说是非常荣幸的。I also would like to express my deepest gratitude for the Professorship at Wanjie Medical School . This is a great honor for me.

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虽然朗费罗能够在哈佛大学当上现代语言教授是出于幸运,他谨慎施教,对这个职位是胜任的。Though Longfellow was lucky in securing a professorship of modern languages at Harvard, he qualified himself carefully for the appointment.

而哈佛大学的健康基金则为性研究教授职位提供了永久的资金支持,这在美国还是首例。Harvard's healthy endowment allows the professorship on the subject to be funded in perpetuity, the first university in the country to do so.

从那时你就开始为保留性医学和你的门诊中心的权威而斗争,但这似乎四一场没有前途的斗争。Since then, you've been fighting a rather unpromising fightto at least preserve a professorship of sexual medicine and your outpatientcenter.