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到那以后,才能谈集体化。After that we can talk of collectivization.

在1928年,强迫农场集体化开始了。In 1928, forced collectivization of farms was initiated.

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比如,空气污染、水污染以及土地污染都被看做所有权集体化的后果。Air, water, and land pollution, for example, are seen as the result of collectivization of ownership.

1930年苏联采取严厉的办法推行集体化时遭到农民的强烈抵制。In U. S. S. R collectivization was imposed 1930 by draconian methods which met bitter peasants' resistance.

不管是集体化,还是责任制,都无涉姓“资”姓“社”。Regardless of collectivization or system of job responsibility, it is not related to capitalism or socialism.

律师行业发展迅速,呈现出集团化与专业化趋势等。Attorney the profession development is rapid, presents the collectivization and the specialized tendency and so on.

面对“入世”上海品牌医院的集团化发展显得更为重要,它是中医医院站稳国内、走向世界的必然。The collectivization of brand hospitals becomes more important, which is essential for their domestic stabilization and world entry.

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土改、集体化、统购统销三大政策变动,直接影响了农民的生活和精神状态。The policy changes in Land reform, purchase and sale together and collectivization directly influenced the life and spirit of the farmers.

在20世纪20到30年代,苏联对于传统精英集团的压迫,以及强制推行的集体化导致了民众的饥饿和社会的不稳定。Soviet repression of the traditional elites, along with forced collectivization in late 1920s-1930s, brought mass hunger and led to unrest.

在1956—1984年我国农业集体化时期,广大农村同时存在着自留地经营制度。From 1956 to 1984 when the collectivization of agriculture was underway in China, the private-plot system remained to exist in the rural areas.

他们一般都不会提起大清洗运动中死亡的数百万人和在劳改营中死亡的人。They often fail to mention the millions who died from famine during forced collectivization , and those who died in the Gulag hard labor camps.

具备了这四个条件,目前搞包产到户的地方,形式就会有发展变化。If these four conditions are realized, the localities that now fix output quotas on a household basis will develop new forms of collectivization.

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强制集体化和1929至1931年间的苏维埃运动引爆苏联农村内战,并被残酷镇压。In Russia, the forced collectivization and dekulakization campaigns of 1929–31 set off a civil war in the countryside that was brutally repressed.

在统购统销和集体化题材的作品中,出现了许多“思想落后”或道德败坏的刁民形象,被剥夺了话语权的农民受到了双重欺凌。In the literature of collectivization and purchase and sale together, Writers created many image of farmers with draggle thinking and demoralization.

当公社于1958年开始建立时,强制集体化的步伐导至混乱,食物短缺和一些农民的反抗。When the communes were first organized in 1958, the forced pace of collectivization caused dislocations, food shortages, and some peasant resistance.

本论文次要前瞻性的剖析了公私营旅游企业集团化所面临的窘境。This paper mainly makes a forward-looking analysis of difficult position faced by State-operated and privately-operated Tourist business collectivization.

集团化的价值主要体现在能够实现基于“联合工业中心”的“准订单培养”和促进现代大学制度的建设。The value of collectivization lies in achieving quasi-order form training based on united industry centre and promote system development of modern higher education.

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人人都知道,分开之后,不利于规模化集约化经营,但直到今天,人们依然没有找到一个可行的“集体化”经营模式。Everyone knows that the separation is not conducive to large-scale intensive operations, but even today, people have not found a better collectivization operational model.

而佛教向统治工具的转化,则是士人群体与佛教关系由个人化走向集团化和国家化的根本原因。And The chang of Buddhism toward the rule tool is the basic reason of the relation of gentry group and Buddhism from personalization to collectivization and nationalization.

但未过几年,就开始推行集体化运动,集体化程度不断提高,最终形成了土地的乡村集体所有和经营制度。But a few years, the collectivization campaign was launched, the collectivization increasingly, the ultimate form of collective ownership of rural land and operating system.