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组织活检可能需要多个样本。Biopsy may involve several samples

活组织检查结果还没拿到。The biopsy results weren't back yet.

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这种手术叫做“前哨淋巴结活检”。This is called sentinal node biopsy.

我想陪你做切片检查.I want to be with you for the biopsy.

她最新的骨髓活组织检查检测结果为负。Her latest bone-marrow biopsy is negative.

共摘除息肉1299个,均用活检钳咬切。All 1299 polyps were removed with biopsy forceps.

而肿瘤是经膀胱镜活体切片而确定之。The neoplasm was diagnosed by cystoscopic biopsy.

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任何一种切片程序皆无造成死亡。No deaths were attributed to any biopsy procedure.

脑病理检查表现为海绵状变性。Spongy degeneration was apparent with brain biopsy.

肝穿刺具有危险性而阳性率不高。Liver puncture biopsy is dangerous and non-rewarding.

确定性诊断需行腋下肿块活检。Biopsy of the mass is the best method for OBC diagnosis.

你可不可以多拿一份活组织切片来检测一下细菌?can you just take an extra biopsy and check for bacteria?

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以前粗针活检报告为DCIS,核级别2级。Previous core biopsy was reported as DCIS, nuclear grade 2.

大肠镜切片检查是正确诊断的必要条件。Colonoscopic biopsy is a prerequisite for correct diagnosis.

皮肤活检与神经的炎症往往具有诊断意义。Skin biopsy withnerve inflammation is considered diagnostic.

活组织检查结果表明这是一个罕见的良性病例。The results of a biopsy indicate a rare nonmalignant condition.

就是一个宫颈活检的病例,在我看来有三种染色就可以解决问题了。A simple cervical biopsy which can be done by maxium three stains.

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右锁骨残端活检示淋巴管增生。Right clavicle biopsy exibited vascular hyperplasia in bone marrow.

钡餐及胃镜检查加粘膜活检对诊断有意义。Barium meal and gastroscopic mucosal biopsy are value for diagnosis.

目的探讨清洗软式内镜活检钳的最佳方法。Objective To explore the best way to clean endoscopic biopsy forceps.