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他是我的老相识。He is my old acquaintance.

他是我的老相识。He was my closest acquaintance.

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他是一个交游广阔的人。He is a man of wide acquaintance.

我们就好像是老相识般谈话。He is an old acquaintance of mine.

许多人竭力想结识他。Many people sought his acquaintance.

万一还会把我们的旧欢泄漏。And haply of our old acquaintance tell.

他是我在新闻界的一位旧交。He is an old journalistic acquaintance.

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他千方百计和她结识。He wriggled into acquaintance with her.

能与您了解乃是敝人之幸事。I am pleased to make your acquaintance.

我和他是点头之交。I have a nodding acquaintance with him.

只是点头之交而已。He is only a nodded acquaintance of mine.

交友勿滥,熟人须多。Have but few friend, though much acquaintance.

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结交可以多,朋友应宜少。Have but few friends, though many acquaintance.

识荆恨晚。I regret to have made your acquaintance so late.

对济慈和史蒂文生我也稍微了解。With Keats and Stevenson, I have an acquaintance.

其实他用不到这样殷勤,他跟伊丽莎白的交情是很浮浅的。His acquaintance with Elizabeth was very trifling.

一位大学熟人害怕火车汽笛。A college acquaintance is afraid of train whistles.

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我认识了大名鼎鼎的女冒险家。I made the acquaintance of the well-known adventuress.

用今日团扣网,重新认识文学。Make a new literary acquaintance with today's Groupon.

岂可遗忘旧识,和那往昔的时光?Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld lang syne?