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用标准烛光测量发光的强度。Light is measured by candlepower.

最大发射光线的垂直角。Vertical angle of maximum candlepower emission.

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守护温暖的烛光,点亮他们的笑容。Make the candlepower in our hands, light up their smile.

台灯里的灯泡给你大约50标准烛光。The bulb in a reading lamp will give you about 50 candlepower.

距离蜡烛火焰1英尺远的光,叫“一个标准烛光”。The light given off one foot away from the flame of a candle is called "one candlepower."

我们活在一个黑暗的世界,一个需要透过我们以基督之光照亮的世界。We live in a dark world that desperately needs the candlepower of Christ shining through us.

使用照明工具时,烛光的测量并代表总的光输出量。With illumination tools, a candlepower measurement doesn't necessarily indicate total light output.

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大多数教室有30到50烛光,而避免分泌褪黑激素需要150烛光。Most classrooms have 30 to 50 candlepower. It takes 150 candlepower to avoid the secretion of melatonin.

如果你在晴天靠近窗户读这本书,你在书页上得到大约1,000标准烛光的光。If you are reading this page near a window on a clear day, you are getting about 1,000 candlepower of light on the page.

部分厂商使用烛光单位来衡量光的输出,实际上他们可以避免如此,因为光测量术语并不为大部分人所熟悉。Some manufacturers dramatize light output measurements by using candlepower units. They can get away with this because light measurement terminology is unfamiliar to most people.