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这又是字谜?Is it another anagram?

纵横和字谜求解。Crossword and anagram solver.

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品牌图案帆布系列是为男士和女士而设计的。Anagram canvas is designed for men and women.

各种修复的错误,包括显示问题和字谜一代。Various bugs fixed, including display problems and anagram generation.

我邀请了我年幼的神话作家还有她的姐姐加入这个“颠倒字母取名字”的行列。I invited my young fantasy author and her sister to join in the anagram quest.

数独是一款风靡世界的数字谜题游戏。The number but section is all the rage the world the number anagram topic game.

经常会发现将一些短语中的字母重新排列后又形成了有趣的新短语。It is often fun to see if rearranging the letters of a name gives an amusing anagram.

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变位词是通过重新排列单词或短语的字母而得到的单词或短语。An anagram is a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.

例如,文章里所引用的“专家”的名字有可能就是“愚人节”这几个字的拼字游戏。For example the name of an ‘expert’ quoted in the article might be an anagram of ‘April Fool’.

虽然这是一个很有意思的巧合,但是你也没必要仔细到这个程度把这个颠倒词看得那么认真。While this is an interesting coincidence, one must be careful not to take the anagram too seriously.

先生们,不仅蒙娜丽莎的脸看上去是双性的,就连她的名字也是由男性元素和女性元素结合而成的。Gentlemen, not only does the face of Mona Lisa look androgynous, but hername is an anagram of the divine union of male and female.

我们将通过构建一个复杂的变位词生成器、解码器等,进一步处理文字游戏脚本的复杂逻辑。We will take our word-game scripts one step further working with a difficult logic by building a complex anagram generator, a crypto solver, and more.