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两种最常见的绘图仪是平板式绘图仪和滚筒式绘图仪。Two common types of plotters are flatbed and drum.

他用平板车拉走了我家的大彩电。He took away our big color television on a flatbed tricycle.

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由火车装运的所有主梁都安放在平板火车车皮上。All girders shipped by rail were arranged on a flatbed rail car.

所以我们即将在商务舱中引进更为平坦的座椅。So we will change our business class product by introducing Flatbed.

各类货运汽车,牵引车,半挂车,低平板车等各类工程车等。All kinds of freight cars, tractor, semi-trailer low flatbed truck etc.

在就寝的时间,平整的床铺让你能够伸展开身并且把你包裹在其中。And at bedtime, your flatbed lets you stretch out and drift into slumber.

我们在一辆平板卡车上演唱,大家则在人行道上跳舞、交际。We played up on a flatbed truck, and they danced and mingled on the pavement.

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灵柩被安置在木轮的平板车上,由上了轭的水牛拉着。It sat on top of a small flatbed with wooden wheels, drawn by the yoked oxen from the field.

站在一辆平板货车的后面,父亲面对人群,把金博士遇害的消息告诉了大家。Standing on the back of a flatbed truck, my father addressed the crowd and told them about Dr.

我的好友与我当天推了一辆平台式推车,但我们没有走平台车专用的结帐柜台。My friend and I took a flatbed cart that day, but didn't use the register dedicated for flatbed.

去年三月份,当他想参加她的生日派对的时候,他的平板式拖车被卡入地下道内。When he tried to attend her birthday party last March, the flatbed tow truck got caught under an underpass.

全国各地灾区在都江堰,部队佩戴口罩收集的尸体,装上他们到一个平板卡车。Across the quake zone in Dujiangyan, troops wearing face masks collected corpses and loaded them onto a flatbed truck.

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用手制动拉索和制动器螺栓将装运的面包车固定在平板车上,到达目的地后发现制动器螺栓出现松动和断裂现象。Brake studs loosened and fractured at the terminal when cables were locked during the delivery of minibuses in a flatbed.

XXX打印机从平板转换为卷筒进纸打印机,品质仍然能满足您的业务需求。The XXX Printer converts from a flatbed to a roll-fed printer and still provides the same high quality your business demands.

然后还鼓动你去"律动你的房间",他们还放着音乐,这就是他们在那辆卡车上播放的音乐类型So then to encourage you to "Pump up your room" they had music playing and this is the kind of music that they had on that flatbed truck.

我坐着一辆平板货车进入了北川,三架直升机在头顶上盘旋,运输军队的卡车川流不息。The afternoon I rode up to Beichuan in the back of a flatbed lorry, three helicopters buzzed overhead while convoys of army trucks passed us.

可当粗壮的、满脸胡茬的锯木厂厂主将装满橡木料的平板拖车停在我家门前的时候,忽地有一丝莫名的焦虑掠过我的脑际。So I felt some stirrings of anxiety when the stocky, bearded sawmill owner pulled up to the house with a flatbed trailer stacked with oak timbers.

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我看见了运着死尸的卡车,我数不清在临时遮盖的裹尸布下到底有多少具尸体。I'm just walking past a flatbed truck which has got dead bodies. I can't even count how many dead bodies wrapped in makeshift shrouds made of blankets.

本文以平板网架结构十字板-球节点为研究对象,设计了用于疲劳试验的焊接空心球节点试件。Based on fatigue test of crossed plate-welded hollow spherical joints of flatbed grid structure, the author has designed welded hollow spherical joints.

展示我们独特的wheel-locking机制能够确保任何Automoblox的迷你的拖车,和一个平板由固体、再生山毛榉木材。Featuring our unique wheel-locking mechanism capable of securing any Automoblox mini to the trailer, and a flatbed made from solid, renewable beech wood.