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⑶命题逻辑等值演算。Figure of equivalence of ⑶ propositional logic.

⑸命题逻辑推理理论。Inference of ⑸ propositional logic is academic.

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介绍了命题逻辑演算方法。This paper introduces a method for propositional logic calculation.

避免把一个又一个命题用子句的形式叠成一长串,也要避免用词的重复。Avoid long strings of propositional clauses. And try not to repeat the same words.

一个命题就是一个处在对世界的投影关系中的命题符号。And the proposition is the propositional sign in its projective relation to the world.

命题公式的判定是人工智能领域中的一个核心问题。Propositional formulas decision is one of core issues in artificial intelligence field.

命题及命题形式的分类是一个相当复杂的问题。The proposition and classification of propositional forms are a very complicated problem.

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符号逻辑往往分为两个分支,命题逻辑和谓词逻辑。Symbolic logic is often divided into two branches, propositional logic and predicate logic.

也引申出命题逻辑定理证明的一个可信性问题。Furthermore, it presents a creditability problem about theorem proof in propositional logic.

最好的方法还是打听出命题教师,然后争取旁听其授课。Best method still asks to give propositional teacher, strive for audit next its give lessons.

斯多噶学派否认任何非物质的,并试图通过命题逻辑来解释世界。Stoicism denies anything immaterial and tries to explain the world through propositional logic.

通过命题意向,可以将语言学和语言哲学有机整合起来。Through propositional attitude, linguistics and philosophy of language can be combined organically.

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博喻事件是作为命题行为和隐喻行为双重体现的一个经验完形。A megametaphoric event is an experiential gestalt embodying both propositional and metaphoric actions.

在定量的意义下使模糊命题演算完全包容经典命题逻辑是不可能的。It is impossible for a quantitative fuzzy propositional logic to subsume classical propositional logic.

探讨二值命题逻辑公式及逻辑等价公式统一性问题。The uniform issue of two-valued propositional logic formulas and logical equivalent formulas is discussed.

求解智能规划问题的一个重要方法即把智能规划问题转化为命题逻辑公式求解。An important way for solving intelligent planning problem is translating it into propositional logic to solve.

对二值命题逻辑系统的程度化研究中命题公式的真度问题进行讨论。Furthermore, we discuss the truth degree of the propositional formula in two-valued propositional logic system.

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在论文的导论部分,我阐述了命题确定性问题的起源及其形式的转变。In the introduction, I elucidate the origin and the form changing of the problem ofthe propositional certainty.

要了解更多的逻辑,我们需要了解命题,命题命题运营商和运营商。To learn about logic more we need to know about proposition, propositional operators and propositional operators.

然而,在这里,命题态度的因果效力是通过命题态度的句法性质而得到论证的。However, the causal efficacy of propositional attitudes here is based on the syntactic properties of the attitudes.