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洗头发太花时间了。Washing took time.

沐浴和洗涤区。Bathing and washing areas.

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我必须洗洗衣服。I have to do some washing.

这套西装耐洗吗?。Will the suit bear washing?

把洗好的衣服挂出去晾干。Hand the washing out to dry.

净手不用洗,无罪何须辩。A clean hand want no washing.

你能把洗好的衣服晾出去吗?Can you hang the washing out?

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回转式双重洗涤系统。Rotatory Dual Washing System.

我住在华盛顿大街1203号。I live at 1203 Washing Street.

谢谢你帮忙擦车。Thank you for washing the car.

这件衬衫不耐洗。The shirt can't stand washing.

这种布搁不住洗。This cloth won't bear washing.

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这种颜色不经洗。This color won't stand washing.

一道菜一碗饭,也意味着你可以少洗一点碗。This means less washing up too!

我们正忙着洗衣服。We are busy in washing clothes.

我们会在洗之前把衬里缝好。We’ll stitch it before washing.

这种布料耐洗吗?Does the material stand washing?

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洗的衣服收了没有?Have you brought in the washing?

爱是洗他的运动服。Love is washing his sports togs.

爱是帮他清洗脏兮兮的运动衣。Love is washing his sports togs.