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文采飞扬的美国哥伦比亚广播公司新闻编辑室的一半员工被裁掉的一天。Literarily half of the CBS newsroom got laid off one day.

相侮从字面上来讲就是依强欺弱之意。Counter-restriction literarily means that the strong one bullies the weak one.

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曹操的山水诗,艺术地表现了打上战争烙印的自然景观。Scenic poems of Cao Cao literarily display natural landscape with seal of war.

丹特书店前端是精选的新书,从文学图书来看,选书品位颇为不凡。Dante Bookstore places its featuring new books in its front and literarily speaking, they're very well selected.

海登•怀特对历史文本进行文学式解读,其历史研究是一种基于历史文本的文学批评实践。Hayden White unscrambles literarily historical text, so his historical studying is a practice of literary criticism based on the historical texts.

我们在难以置信字面上当我们看到一个电影,没有表现出任何血液喷涌的场景,观众在座位上冻结寒冷,牙齿抖动。We were literarily in disbelief when we saw a movie that didn't show any blood gushing scenes that froze audiences cold in their seats, teeth chattering.

经笔者考察,认为二人诗风均形成于中唐时期,理应将二人作为中唐诗人看待。The author, after research related, holds their style of poem belongs to the Middle Tang Dynasty and they should be regarded literarily as the Middle Tang poets.

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望文生义地认为伽达默尔的解释学美学也是一种读者中心理论,这是20世纪西方美学史研究的一个严重失误。It is a serious mistake in the 20 century's research about western aesthetics that many researchers regard Gadamer's Hermeneutics-Aesthetics as reader-centered theory literarily.

我们原本打算步行上下山,但导游说步行往返需要五个小时的时间且途中还不能停留欣赏景色。Tianzi, or literarily the Mountain of the Son of Heaven, we planned to climb the mountain on foot, yet our tour guide told us that would cost use five hours not including the time to enjoy the views.

“新理性精神文学论”是“文学的审美意识形态本性论”的延续,是对“文学的审美意识形态本性论”的特殊说明。"Neo-rational spirits literature theory" is continues of "Aesthetic ideology natural theory of literary", is literarily to" Aesthetic ideology natural theory of literary "of special elucidation, too.

为实现社会化,我们将来自世界各地的,学者聚集到纽约,并在课程开始和,结束的时候,让他们和Low教授,共同度过一整天。For socialization, we designed the course so that at the beginning of the course and the end of the course the students were brought literarily from all over the world to New York and they spent a day with Professor Low and with each other.