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因缘际会下,一部古老的电脑引领塔特进入SETI。By chance, an ancient computer led Tarter to SETI.

但他相信SETI计划能改变人类的生活。But Tarter believes that SETI can change life here on Earth.

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SETI始建于1984年,由托马斯-皮尔森及吉尔-塔特博士创立。SETI was founded in 1984 by Thomas Pierson and Dr Jill Tarter.

下面的文字提示此雕刻为拉美西斯二世的父亲塞提一世。An inscription indicates it depicts Seti I, father of Ramses II.

SETI希望凑集到更多的钱让艾伦望远镜重新运转。SETI is hoping to rustle up some more money to get the ATA running again.

2月29号,寻找地外智慧协会启动了一个新的平民科学项目。On February 29th the SETI Institute launched another citizen-science project.

SETI现在已经开始寻找这种信号,目前尚未获得成功。SETI had now started to look for signals of this type, so far with no success.

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因此SETI机构的天文学家柯南道尔劳伦斯领导的一个团队,决定进行一次近距离探测。So a team led by SETI Institute astronomer Laurance Doyle decided to take a closer look.

近期看来SETI可能很快筹集到足够资金重新开动该矩阵。It now appears that SETI may soon raise enough money to get the ATA up and running again.

今天节目组采访了SETI研究中心总监、天文学家吉尔•塔特。You’re listening to Jill Tarter, astronomer and director of the Center for SETI Research.

“我们希望,”塔特说,“市民踊跃发言,搜寻地外文明是多么重要。”"We're hoping, " says Tarter, "that the public will speak up about how important SETI is.

该网站将会在第一时间对大众开放大量SETI数据。The website will make vast amounts of SETI data available to the public for the first time.

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SETI计划,正如其名所传达的,它是一个持续的寻找有知觉的、超凡的生命体。The SETI project is, as its name suggests, a continuous hunt for sentient, otherworldly life.

神圣的传说在拉美西斯二世父亲塞提一世陵墓的16个寝室和回廊里展开。Sacred stories unfold across 16 chambers and corridors in the tomb of Seti I, father of Ramses II.

塔特运用私人赞助推动SETI不遗馀力,甚至使心存怀疑的企业都觉得印象深刻。Tarter 's efforts to push SETI forward with private financing impress even skeptics of the enterprise. Benjamin M.

将近45年之后,位于加州山景城的SETI研究中心,终于完成了为期10年的凤凰城计画。Almost 45 years later, the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, completed its 10-year-long Project Phoenix.

SETI的科学家追踪这一信号,发现其来源于射手座中M55球状星团的西北部。SETI scientists traced it back to the constellation Sagittarius, just to the northwest of the globular cluster M55.

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塔特说,现在SETI研究院在NASA官僚体系之外运作,比较像是非营利事业。Operating outside the confines of NASA's bureaucracy, Tarter says, the SETI Institute runs like a nonprofit business.

三年来,这个问题一直在考验着国际宇航科学研究院SETI小组的科学家。For three years, this issue has been exercising a group of SETI scientists in the International Academy of Astronautics.

SETI计划必须进行假设来缩小搜寻范围,因此迄今还没有进行全面搜索。SETI projects necessarily make assumptions to narrow the search, and thus no exhaustive search has been conducted so far.