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我重新再计算一次,请稍等。Please wait while I recalculate.

重新计算所有工作工作表中每个单元格的值。Recalculate the value of every cell in all worksheets.

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磁盘已满。请释放一些磁盘空间并重新计算此域。Disk Full. Free some disk space and recalculate this field.

最后,我对他重新为每个关键字组游客价值。Finally , I had him recalculate visitor value for each keyword group.

第五步,你必须定期重新计算你的收支平衡点。Step 5. You need to recalculate your break-even point on a regular basis.

例如,处理器可能不会在需要时重新计算一个值。For instance, the processor might not recalculate a value when it needs to.

查询优化器不会自动重新计算表的配置文件。The query optimizer does not recalculate the profile for tables automatically.

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在不稳定树中搜索时,第一步是重新计算页面上的校验和。The first step in the unstable tree search is to recalculate the checksum over the page.

这意味着您不必连续地重新计算空间大小,而这是一项易于出错的任务。That means that you don't have to constantly recalculate the size, which is an error-prone task.

所以在其他经营成本发生变化的时候一定要重新计算收支平衡点。So it's absolutely imperative that you recalculate it as the other costs of doing business change.

要重新计算特殊起始和终止时间的结果,您可以指定这个报告的具体时间段。To recalculate results for particular start and stop times, you can specify a time range for a report.

如果改变了表格中的一个或多个数字,所胡相关的公式将会自动地重新计算。If you change one or more numbers in your spreadsheet, all related formulas will recalculate automatically.

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直到11月6日天文学家们得到机会重新计算厄里斯的体积之前,厄里斯都被认为比冥王星更庞大。Eris was thought to be bigger than Pluto until Nov. 6, when astronomers got a chance to recalculate Eris' size.

请记住,需要在秒和小时之间对您的数据重新计算,这取决于结果所面向的受众。Remember to recalculate your data back and forth from seconds to hours, depending upon the audience for your results.

说得具体一点,假设您需要重新计算手头每件库存产品的价格,并计算其总和。To be concrete about it, imagine you need to recalculate the value of every inventory item on hand and sum up the total.

开启该对话方块时,「物理」页签中显示的某些值可能已过期。按一下「更新」按钮以重新计算这些值。Some values shown on the Physical tab may be out of date when you open the dialog box. Click the Update button to recalculate these values.

如果你想用我们的,数据重新计算重力加速度,你需要从这个,时间里减去2毫秒。If you really want to recalculate the gravitational acceleration using our data, you should really subtract the two milliseconds from the time.

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引发必和必拓可能得重新打算的原因就是美国农业部周五下调了本收获季玉米产量的预估.The trigger that may lead BHP to recalculate was a reduction on Friday in the U.S. Agriculture Department's estimate of this season's corn crop.

如果用户从读模式转换到编辑模式,则此属性可让关键字下拉公式在强制刷新文档时重新计算。This allows the keyword drop-down formula to recalculate if the user switches from read mode to edit mode as long as the document is forced to refresh.

从性能方面考虑,我们不希望服务器重复从磁盘中读取工作簿,或者在不需要重新计算时重新计算公式。For performance reasons, we do not want the server to read the workbook file from disk again, or to recalculate formulas that do not need recalculation.