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藉由他的身体不感人大小。With the unmoving size of his body.

你听不到我的声响,由于我是静止的。You cannot hear me. I am static and unmoving.

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你不能听我的。我是静止和冰冷无感情的。You cannot hear me. I am static and unmoving.

迹象,英里标记,树木,快速抹去我那静止的形状。Signs, mile markers, trees zip past my unmoving form.

也就是说蚂蚁知道不动的蚂蚁也能是活着的。That means ants know that unmoving ants can still be alive.

我呆呆地站在那里,看着他坐进车里直到车开远。He got in his car and drove away while I stood there, unmoving.

他没趣地打量着自己周围的一动不动的蜡像。He looked without much interest at the unmoving figures all around him.

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它立刻便静止乐,独自守候著,毫无动静,然而又处于永恒的运动之中。Waiting alone and unmoving , it is at once still and yet in constant motion.

游行者,其中很多是跪著的,他们回看著警察,既无畏惧,也不动摇。The marchers, many of them on their knees, stared back, unafraid and unmoving.

其他孩子从篱笆的缺口逃跑了,但我被他一动不动的眼睛吓呆了。The others escaped through openings in the fence, but I was petrified by his unmoving eyes.

或者,如同阿姜李的那个汽灯比喻——它的每根灯芯都浸浴在明亮、色白、不动的火焰之中。Or like Ajaan Lee's image of the mantle of a Coleman lantern—all its threads bathed in a bright, white, unmoving flame.

在此之前,几乎所有的欧洲人相信亚里士多德的旧思想,地球是宇宙中心的。Until that time, almost all Europeans believed Aristotle's old idea that the Earth is the unmoving center of the universe.

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而此时核桃村的村民们望见山下沿公路一圈闪闪发亮的尾灯纹丝不动,立刻想起了生财之道。The residents of Hetaocun, however, saw the unmoving necklace of taillights from their mountain village and got entrepreneurial.

老人在演奏中纹丝不动地坐着,他那宽大而多节的手搁在腿上,他的头在倾听时低垂着。The old man had sat unmoving through the work, his broad, gnarled hands resting on his thighs, his head bowed listening massively.

寂静的虚空里诞生了一种神秘的东西,它独自守候着,毫无动静,它立刻静止了。Something mysterious is formed, born in the silent void. Waiting alone and unmoving , it is at once still and yet in constant motion.

与全面深入的新闻报道相比,以第一人称唠叨的当场事件,如2008年的孟买爆炸事件,一般是不动人的。Compared to in-depth news coverage, first-person Tweets of on-the-ground events, such as the 2008 Mumbai bombings, is generally unmoving.

他当时在握着一块巧克力,他能感觉到巧克力在自己的左书掌心里没有动,但每一次他举起自己的手他告诉我说,他发现这是一块新的巧克力。He could feel the chocolate unmoving in his left palm, and yet every time he lifted his hand he told me it revealed a brand new chocolate.

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玛亚-林的近期作品之一“失去了什么”即将于今年晚些时候完成,这个项目拒绝将纪念馆建成单独的、不动的物体。One of Maya Lin's most recent memorials , "What is Missing?", is to be completed later this year. The project rejects the idea of memorials as a single unmoving object.

很长时间,他都没有翻身,只是一动不动的躺在当做床的旧麻袋上,听着呼啸而过的风声和浪一下下拍在船舷上的声音。For a long while he did not stir, but lay unmoving upon the heap of old sacks that served him for a bed, listening to the wind in the lines, to the lapping of the river at the hull.

加工番茄“宽垄不翻秧”栽培模式,是加工番茄无公害生产配套技术中的防病健身栽培技术。"Broad row and unmoving vine" planting model for processing tomato is the planting technique of preventing diseases and body-building of compound technique that is harmless to health.