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我是一个遗腹子。I was a posthumous child.

除了一个以外的所有的都是死后追授的。All but one have been posthumous.

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这是他最后的遗作了。This is the last posthumous issue.

他被追授了一枚维多利亚十字勋章。He was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross.

反对追授奖项的规定是否应删除?Shouldthe statute against posthumous awarding be removed?

对一些人来说,它确实就是个怪物,而且它死后依然造成了很多伤害。It was to some, and it was doing plenty of posthumous damage.

颁奖规则在1974年进行修订,此后即禁止追授奖项。The rules were amended in 1974 to prohibit posthumous prizes.

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尼欧不想听迈克尔杰克逊的遗作专辑。Ne-Yo doesnt want to hear the posthumous Michael Jackson album.

孕育遗腹子的想法本身就怪异。The idea of posthumous child bearing is an odd idea on its own.

然而到了第一张遗作专辑,却采用了不同的方法。With this first posthumous album, however, a different approach was taken.

谥法是中国古代特有的文化传统,历来受到主流社会的重视。Titling and posthumous titling was a special cultural tradition in old China.

“看我”有各种不同的形式,从插科打诨到追求芳名不胜枚举。It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame.

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据报道,约翰·休斯的一部未竟之作有望问世。WENN -- One of John Hughes' lost movies is reportedly set for a posthumous release.

许多已故名人在死后仍能赚到大把大把的钞票。Many dead celebrities make the bulk of their posthumous fortunes on licensing deals.

姬发建立了周朝,史称周武王,追封其父西伯姬昌为周文王。Known as King Wu in history, he honored his father with the posthumous title of King Wen.

我的家人只会谈论到它们的价值,因为一些作品是艺术家们的绝笔。My family only talked about their value, because artists of posthumous fame created them.

三妹的丈夫在执行一次飞行义务时牺牲,留下了遗腹子。Three younger sister"s husband in to execute a flight missions sacrifice, left posthumous."

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通常,死后捐赠器官属于中国传统上的禁忌,因此令器官短缺问题更为严重。The organ shortfall is compounded by traditional taboos against becoming a posthumous donor.

英国政府曾在三年前向图灵道歉,但并没有免去图灵的罪名。The British government apologized three years ago but he has been refused a posthumous pardon.

各州对父母死后生产,或者对父母死后出生的孩子的法律规定差异极大。But state laws on posthumous birth—or the birth of a child after the death of a parent—vary widely.