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丝带会松落的。The ribbon comes off.

我要蓝带啤酒。I'll have Blue Ribbon Beer.

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没有一根她扎头发的红丝带。Not one ribbon for her hair.

这缎带不好打结。The ribbon doesn't tie well.

每个人都想要一个蓝丝带。Everyone wants a blue ribbon.

那条丝带结得不好。That ribbon doesn't tie well.

增加剪彩条所有的阴影部分。Add the shadows on the ribbon.

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新娘通常使用一根蓝丝带。Brides usually use a blue ribbon.

是否需要用红绸带绑一下?Shall I tie it with a red ribbon?

一等奖获得一个蓝丝带。The first prize gets a blue ribbon.

是否需要用红绸带绑一下?A red ribbon sprayed with her scent.

谁和谁的爱,飘着红丝带。Love who and who, with a red ribbon.

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她用丝带束住头发。She bound up her hair With a ribbon.

玛丽用丝带系住帽子。Maty bands her hat with a silk ribbon.

你干吗不把绸带系成一个蝴蝶结?Why don't you tie the ribbon in a bow?

这条丝带和我的帽子不相配。This ribbon does not match with my hat.

她在腰部束了一条缎带。She wears a ribbon belt round her waist.

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嫣然国色带朝酲。Sweet ribbon toward the alcoholic state.

包裹来了,是用一根红丝带捆扎的。The package came tied with a red ribbon.

每根树枝都系上了白丝带。There is a white ribbon on every branch.