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我们必须忍受,这让我们很痛苦。We must bear it and it causes us to suffer," she told ANSA.

据安莎通讯社报道,一名人员当场被逮捕。A man was arrested at the scene, according to the Ansa news agency.

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据我所知,他会留在罗马。”他告诉安莎社。As far as I am concerned, he's staying, " he told news agency ANSA."

意大利安莎通讯社说,巴勒莫法院判定甘比诺有“逃跑倾向”。Italy, ANSA said the Palermo court found Gambino a "tendency to escape."

据意大利安莎通讯社报道,死者是一名意大利人和一名西班牙人。The Italian news agency ANSA reported the dead were an Italian and a Spaniard.

据ANSA新闻社报道,周一晚间,安东尼奥尼在位于罗马的家中逝世。The ANSA news agency said that Antonioni died at his home in Rome on Monday evening.

安莎社援引消息说,卡扎菲的妻子和他其他的孩子已经进入阿尔及利亚。ANSA quoted sources as saying that Gaddafi and his wife, other children have entered Algeria.

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在接受安莎社记者采访时,罗马市长维特罗尼称该决议重要性非常。Rome mayor Walter Veltroni said the agreement was of "great importance, " according to the ANSA news agency.

一名意大利妇女在一场车祸后身亡,她刚刚幸免于法国航空公司的飞机坠毁事件。Their vehicle crashed after veering across a road in Kufstein, Austria, according to the Italian news agency ANSA.

「我希望传递一个讯息给那些没有好好管理民众存款的人」,沛瑞格告诉义大利新闻社。"I want to send a message to all those who have so badly managed people's savings, " Perego told the Ansa news agency.

安莎通讯社说这位失踪男子周日已经在瓦尔泰利纳山区被发现死亡。Ansa news agency said a man who had been hunting mushrooms was found dead on Sunday in the Alpine region of Valtellina.

胸前神经主要支配横行纤维,并在其中部形成一“U”形的神经襻。The former innervated cross fibers mainly, it penetrated the middle of muscle belly and formed a "U-Shaped" nerve ansa.

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安莎通讯社报道称,肇事女信徒已被梵蒂冈警方拘捕,并称她其实并无恶意。The woman is in the custody of the Vatican police, the ANSA news agency reported, adding that she apparently meant no harm.

医生拉泽里尼告诉意大利安莎通讯社,贝卢斯科尼罹患腕管综合征,在米兰附近一家医院接受手术。Dr. Glaser Rini told the ANSA news agency, Berlusconi suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, a nearby hospital in Milan for surgery.

安莎社声称俱乐部与吉奥文科经纪人的又一轮谈判下周又将开始,而那时双方应该会成交。ANSA claims that another meeting between the club and Giovinco's agents will take place again next week where a deal should be finalised.

据意大利安莎社报道,这名32岁的男子出现在意大利北部城市维切利的警察总局,警方将自己逮捕。According to the Italian news agency Ansa the 32-year-old man showed up at the police headquarters in northern Vercelliasked to be arrested.

意大利计划重走威尼斯探险家马可•波罗的骑马来华之著名旅程,据意大利安莎通讯社报道。Italy is to retrace the classic journey that took Venetian explorer Marco Polo on horseback to China, according to Italian news agency ANSA.

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据意大利安莎社报道,这名32岁的男子出现在意大利北部城市维切利的警察总局,要求警方将自己逮捕。According to the Italian news agency Ansa the 32-year-old man showed up at the police headquarters in northern Vercelli and asked to be arrested.

据安莎社报导。部分学生宿舍,一所教堂塔和其他历史建筑有倒塌发生,拉奎拉大教堂被损坏。Part of a student dormitory, a church tower and other historic buildings were reported to have collapsed, ANSA said. L'Aquila cathedral was damaged.

另外,安莎社称,卡扎菲的另一个儿子哈米斯,“几乎肯定”已经在从的黎波里到巴尼瓦利德的途中被杀害。In addition, the ANSA news agency said Gaddafi's other son Khamis, "almost certainly" has been in from Tripoli on the way to Barney Walid was killed.