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进攻是最好的防御。Offence is the best defence.

我喜欢这种必要性辩护。I love the necessity defence.

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进攻是最好的防御。Offensive is the best defence.

医学乞求玄学的庇护。Physic of Metaphysic begs defence.

一对盯人防卫赛,他们打得很好。They play man-to-man defence well.

西班牙开局,开放,古典防御。Ruy Lopez, Open, Classical defence.

后卫把球高高踢出防守区。The back sked off the defence area.

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后卫把球高高踢出防守区。The back skyed off the defence area.

我们采取了正确的防御方针。We steered a correct defence policy.

我觉得你的防守有所进步。I think that your defence is improving.

国防工业应该给自己找后路了。The defence industry should take cover.

城阙最初具有防卫功能。Gate Que tower was first used as defence.

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切尼怎样看待防御工事?What did Channy think of the defence work?

防守型中场,左脚,南特队主力。Defence half, left foot, regular of Nantes.

面罩型太阳眼镜能为你提供额外的防护。Wraparound sunglasses provide extra defence.

敌机不断猛烈地攻击咱们的阵地。The enemy plane assailed we defence position.

寻求保护的迫切感也早就消失。The urgent need for defence had also vanished.

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他们拿起武器保卫祖国。They took up arms in defence of their country.

这是一个攻守同盟。This is an alliance for offensive and defence.

被告人的辩护律师递状请求从轻处理。Counsel for the defence put in a plea for mercy.