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所有人员进入休眠状态。Alle Mann am Boot in die ruhe Position.

曼恩法案就是一部彻头彻尾的种族主义法案。The Mann Act is an inherently racist law.

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杜雅瑞曼掌握全国和解的钥匙?Does Shwe Mann hold the key to reconciliation?

杜雅瑞曼上将是清洗的受害者之一。Gen. Thura Shwe Mann was one of the victims of the purge.

沈凡此来,本来就没有想过要破坏曼华的生活。Shen who come here, did not want to destroy the life of mann.

小曼和艾语交流起新婚的感受。Small mann and ai language communication up the bride s feelings.

最后,诺姆伯格基金会主席罗伯特•麦恩走上了台。Finally, the Naumburg Foundation president Robert Mann came on stage.

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曼华那边,鲁岛也主动找到了曼华。Mann over there, Lu Island also took the initiative to find the mann.

他42年来一直为英国皇室服务,即将在本月退休。Mann is retiring this month after 42 years offeeding the royal family.

曼恩法案,也被称为“贩运妇女法案”,于1910年订立。The Mann Act, also known as the 'White Slavery Act', was introduced in 1910.

面对着陈立打印出来的“聊天记录”,曼华再次选择了沉默。In the face of Chen printing out the chat record, Mann once again chose silence.

乔纳森曼恩是一位主持“CNN国际频道”与“曼恩政治观察”栏目的老道人士。Jonathan Mann is an anchor for CNN International and the host of Political Mann.

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Mann注意到,1990年和1991年研究生招生人数出现了小幅增加。Mann observed slight increases in graduate school enrollment during 1990 and 1991.

艾兰哥与曼恩的最新发现也支持这个想法。That line of thinking has been bolstered by the recent findings of Arango and Mann.

“取得硕士或者博士文凭等于更高的薪水,”Mann说道。"Getting a master's or a PhD eventually does equate to a higher salary," Mann said.

毕竟,曼华刚刚从离婚的阴影中走出来,刚刚找到了生活的勇气。After all, Mann just came out of the shadow of divorce, just found the courage to live.

曼恩会去钓鱼,买一些雕刻品,为数量不多的一伙朋友们办个宴会。Mann went fishing, bought sculptures and threw dinner parties for a small set of friends.

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乔纳森·曼恩和艾弗莉·金通过合唱一首分手歌来告知朋友他们分手的消息。Jonathan Mann and Ivory King put a quirky spin on their breakup by telling friends in a song.

曼用一种与浆轮相似的装置在水内旋转水瓶,发现了这一点。Mann found that by rotating his bottles in the water with a device similar to a paddle wheel.

同为18岁的歌迷米歇尔·马恩和巴士拉·阿特,从不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华飞来瞻仰杰克逊。Michelle Mann and Basra Arte, both 18, flew in from Vancouver, British Columbia, to honor Jackson.