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我也许会远离蒂华纳,但什么是公平的游戏。I'll probably stay away from Tijuana , but anything else is fair game.

该趟飞机在墨西哥城接到79位乘客另在提华纳接到19位乘客。The plane picked up 79 Chinese nationals in Mexico City and 19 others in Tijuana.

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由于所有航班被取消,有200名中国人被困在墨西哥城和提华纳。As a result of the flight suspensions, 200 Chinese citizens were stranded in Mexico City and Tijuana.

2009年,提华纳市的涉毒暴力减少了,尽管令人恐惧的杀戮依然时有发生。Drug-related violence declined in Tijuana in 2009, although spasms of astounding bloodshed continued.

周日,在蒂华纳发现九具无头尸,一群持枪分子射杀了5名群众.Across Tijuana on Sunday, attacks by gunmen killed five people in addition to the nine beheaded bodies.

与提华纳市隔边境相望的美国圣迭戈市警方正在对这次枪击事件进行调查。Tijuana across the border and across the United States San Diego police are investigating the shooting.

在蒂华纳与毒品有关的的暴力已经成为如此普遍,甚至学童可以逃避它。The drug-related violence in Tijuana has become so pervasive that not even schoolchildren can escape it.

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墨西哥士兵站在形成的46吨大麻是在蒂华纳2010年5月11号军事基地边境城市焚烧。Mexican soldiers stand in formation as 46 tons of marijuana is incinerated at a military base in the border city of Tijuana May 11, 2010.

我们也要谢谢部门没有盘算机科学,偷越技能学院时间和资源给这个项目。We would also like to thank the Department of Computer Science of Tijuana Institute of Technology for the time and resources given to this project.

来自墨西哥城市蒂华纳的警察表示,在过去的一周内,与歹徒有关的暴力事件进一步升级,致使十多名受害人被杀。Police in the Mexican city of Tijuana say they have discovered ten more murder victims in the city where gang-related violence has escalated in the past week.

从提华纳过境凡返回美国通常需要等两个多小时,而每辆车每等一小时大概就要耗用1加仑的油。The wait getting back into the U.S. at the border in Tijuana frequently takes longer than two hours and cars can burn about a gallon of gas for each hour they idle.

墨西哥国防部说士兵和警察进入了提华那地区的塔飞教堂,尽管受到滞留阿咯那菲利克斯的火力。The Mexican defense ministry said soldiers and police officials enter the Chapel teffic areas of Tijuana and despite coming under fire detained Adwardo Anoyalo Phonix.

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墨西哥军方声称逮捕一名溶尸嫌犯,该男子承认协助蒂华纳的一毒枭帮派份子,在过去的十年中用强酸溶尸300具。Mexico's army said it had arrested a man who confessed to dissolving the bodies of 300 people in acid over the past decade while working for a drug-trafficker in Tijuana.

墨西哥西北部城市,临近加利福尼亚洲界,位于提华纳东部,是灌溉农业区的分配和制造中心。人口341,559。A city of northwest Mexico near the California border east of Tijuana. It is a distribution and processing center in an irrigated agricultural region. Population, 341,559.

和墨西哥大部分市政警察一样,提华纳的警察也是工资很低,缺乏训练并且装备匮乏——当进行射击训练时,他们必须自己购买弹药。Like most municipal police in Mexico, the Tijuana police were poorly paid, undertrained, and underequipped—when they had target practice, they had to buy their own bullets.