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任何试图违反本条规定进行的转让均为无效。Any attempted assignment in contravention of this Clause shall be void.

违反上述规定,其转让无效。Any transfer in contravention of the above provisions shall be invalid.

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如有不符合提交文件的情况,可能构成违反环评条例的规定。Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the EIAO.

DN认为这些都是有违法律面前人人平等的准则的。In contravention of the principles of equality before the law, Dagens Nyheter argues.

我们完全违背了客观规律,企图一下子把经济搞上去。We acted in direct contravention of objective laws, attempting to boost the economy all at once.

这次罢工开始于五月十日,超出了未付薪的加班时间,已违反了集体的意见。The strike began on 10 May over the nonpayment of overtime, in contravention of the collective agreement.

下令主审暂停比赛,当监察出示讯号有违反竞赛规则发生。To order the Referee to halt the match when the Arbitrator signals a contravention of the Rules of Competition.

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等待时,一辆满载竹子的大货车驶出了保护区,而当地法院早就禁止在保护区内砍伐树木。As we waited, a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo, in contravention of a court ban on logging.

如于本通知书发出日期起计21天内缴付定额罚款,即可解除就有关违例事项所须负的法律责任。Liability for the contravention can be discharged by paying the Fixed Penalty within 21 days of the date of issue.

如有不符合提交文件的情况,可能构成违反环境影响评估条例的规定。Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance.

这严重违反了人身保护令以及正当法律程序、公义与法治。This is a severe contravention of the writ of habeas corpus and a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law.

“这种体位有非常高的危险伤到上脊柱,并且同时违反了所有的行为指导,”报告指出。"This is a position that has a high risk for injury to the upper spine and is in contravention to all guidance, " the report said.

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如于本通知书发出日期后21天内缴付定额罚款,即可解除就有关违例事项所须负的法律责任。Liability for the contravention can be discharged by paying the Fixed Penalty within 21 days after the date of issue of this notice.

第一种兴趣集中在从战犯或地方特工那获取信息,这违反了日内瓦公约。The first interest centered around obtaining information from prisoners of war and enemy agents, in contravention of the Geneva Accords.

是的,一点一滴地叙述,那撞击我们心灵的东西在你不设防间直触你的内心深处。Yes, every little bit of narrative, the impact of our hearts that things in direct contravention of your undefended between your hearts.

该组织引用了一个事例,其中要求亚裔选民提供更多的身份证件,这有违联邦法律。The group cited examples of Asian Americans being asked to provide more identification than other citizens, in contravention of federal law.

或许这与我听摇滚有关,这似乎很矛盾,我不知道自己为何既喜欢天使又喜欢魔鬼。Maybe because I like rock and roll music. It sounds very contravention , I even do not understand myself why I like both angel and also devil.

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这一阶段的尴尬,还表现在理论自身矛盾对梁氏创作实践的限制。The dilemma of this period also acted in Liang Qichao's creative practice, the theoretical contravention had limited the perfection of his works.

如果比赛者反对,必须得有证据排除违背规则1-3操作双方协议不按规则22执行的情况。If the competitor were to object, there would be strong evidence of an agreement to exclude the operation of Rule 22 in contravention of Rule 1-3.

在高河镇,其中一个工厂与住宅仅隔一条窄巷,这违反了环境保护准则。One of the plants was separated from residences in Gaohe by only a narrow road, it added, in contravention of environmental protection guidelines.