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我的副牧师死了,布兰韦尔姨妈病得很重。My curate died, and Aunt Branwell became very ill.

那么副牧师也不教你读书写字了吗?And the curate does not teach you to read and write then?

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他们需要去组织和管理对话,而非仅仅作为扩音器。They need to curate the conversation, and not just be loudspeakers.

“那么副牧师也不教你读书写字了吗?”我追问着。And the curate does not teach you to read and write then?' I pursued.

他是副牧师由主教,协助父亲安格温,还是他送?He is the curate sent by the bishop to assist Father Angwin-or is he?

“谁教你说那些坏话的,我的孩子?”我问。“是副牧师吗?”Who has taught you those fine words, my bairn?' I inquired. 'The curate?'

克里斯普先生刚从牛津大学毕业,现任奇斯维克教区牧师福劳尔多先生的助理牧师。Chrisp, fresh from Oxford, and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick, the Reverend Mr.

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本仪器具有输注精度高、可靠性大、中文操作界面、使用方便等特点。It is characterized by highly ac curate infusion, excellent reliability and easy-to-operate.

他们策划展览,出版书籍和手册,组织会议和论坛。They all curate exhibitions, publish books and catalogs , and organize conferences and symposia.

助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade.

“记者必须能够实时专业和负责任的牧师事件,”克林奇说。"Journalists must be able to professionally and responsibly curate events in real time, " Clinch said.

这些行动将使Flipboard成为最受欢迎的浏览、管理和共享每天新闻的应用程序。These moves will push Flipboard into becoming a very popular app to browse, curate and share news each day.

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可信的群体会通过触发高手们的洞悉来帮助我们创造更大的信任感。The credible mass will help us curate with a greater sense of credibility by tapping the insight of experts.

在这个期间,于1996年按立副牧师,两年后按立为牧师。After graduation, he serves at Haidian Church. Liu was ordained as a curate in 1996 and a pastor two years later.

正如东京宫馆长马克-奥利维-温默曾经指出的那样,“艺术家策划最有趣的艺术联展。”As Marc-Olivier Wahler, director of the Palais du Tokyo, once noted, "artists curate the most interesting group shows."

MGD与其他生物信息学团体合作以精选有关实验室小鼠的一套确定的信息。MGD collaborates with other bioinformatics groups to curate a definitive set of information about the laboratory mouse.

这个网络可以帮助企业将其员工和合作伙伴发布的内容展示到一个印有此企业标志的专属页面上。Networks are basically a way for businesses to curate content from all of their employees and partners on one branded page.

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将个人社交圈中正在分享的所有视频集中于一地的Shelby.tv计划让品牌孵化自己的频道。, which pulls all the videos your social network is sharing into one place, plans to let brands curate their own channels.

不教了,我听说副牧师要是跨进门槛的话,就要——把他的牙打进他的——喉咙里去——希刺克厉夫答应过的!No, I was told the curate should have his--teeth dashed down his throat,--if he stepped over the threshold--Heathcliff had promised that!

赫尔佐格与德梅隆用新展厅取代了旧工业建筑,呈现了策划性的设计选择。Herzog & de Meuron has replaced this old industrial building with the new exhibition hall, which presents a curate d selection of designs.