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本论文称之为对话潜势。In this thesis we call it dialogic potential.

第二章提出了巴赫金的对话理论。Chapter two mainly presents Bakhtin's dialogic theory.

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巴赫金的“复调小说”理论是以对话理论为基础的。Mikhail Bakhtin's polyphonic novel is based on his dialogic theory.

第四章揭示了符号圈理论独特的对话性机制。Chapter Four reveals the unique dialogic mechanism of Cultural Semiotics.

它还强调了社会,公众,对话的头脑和“心外的皮肤。”It also highlights the social, public, and dialogic mind and the mind beyond the skin.

组合体的着色和光照可通过菜单、对话框来变更。The coloring and lighting of the assembly can be modified with the menu and dialogic frame.

巴赫金的对话理论为女性写作的这种转变提供了一个新的阐释角度。Bakhtin's dialogic theory has provided a new explanation angle for transition of female writing.

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教师必须转变自身的角色定位,掌握在线对话教学的基本技能。Teachers must change their traditional mindset and master the skill of dialogic teaching online.

第三,分析超语言学中的对话策略,即语言的应答性特征。Thirdly, analyzing the dialogic strategy in super-linguistics, that is, the character of reply in language.

在此基础上,文章着重探究了“第二媒介时代”的网络传播所折射出的对话精神。Furthermore, it focuses on discussing the dialogic spirit of Internet communication in the second media age.

教师和学生之间形成的是一种对话、平等的“我—你”型交往关系。The relationship between teacher and students is a kind of dialogic , equal and "I-You" style communication.

该理论与资源修辞学及功能修辞学的诸多观点存在着特殊的对话关系。This theory enters into a particular dialogic relationship with resource stylistics and functional stylistics.

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无论是过于求同还是过于求异,都会妨碍中西译论间有效的对话互动。Overemphasis on either side would hinder the effective dialogic interactions between the two translation traditions.

意义建构以一种更为交互的、对话性的、动态的视角来理解信息交流活动的过程和效果。Sense-Making has sought to better understanding of communication from a more communicative and dialogic perspective.

首先,学术认同的对话机制是文学理论走出自我封闭世界的基本前提。First, the dialogic system of academic identity is essential for literary theory to break away from a self-sealed world.

对话性是20世纪许多文学家和哲学家关注的一个问题,库切在创作中也表现了这一特点。The dialogic characteristic is a matter which was concerned by many litterateurs and philosophers in 20th century, and so was J.

运用对话理论来探讨文学的接受问题,认为文学接受活动本质上是一种对话性接受。This thesis probes into the literary acceptance with the dialogue theory and regards it as a sort of dialogic acceptance essentially.

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对话理论首先是一种全新的小说形式和结构方式,它建立在作者与其笔下的主人公的平等地位的基础上。The dialogic theory based on the equal status of the author and the leading character in a novel introduces a new form and frame of the novel.

尽管巴赫金学派一再重申一切话语都有对话性,但对它的实际话语分析仅局限于文学语篇。Although it is claimed that any language use is of dialogism, the dialogic nature of discourse is primarily based on the analysis of literary texts.

关系传播理论之所以重要,是因为它们合理地解释了人际交流中的这种张力与对话的关系现象。Three relational communication theories that concentrate on differences, interactional theory, dialectical theory and dialogic theory are considered.