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需要查一下心电图。A cardiogram is necessary.

然后,她会做一个心电图。Then, she'll do a cardiogram.

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心电图是图表的一种,而我每天面对的就是图表。The cardiogram is a chart and charts are what I work with.

蒽环类抗肿瘤药物用于儿童患者时应密切监测心电图。Children patients having anthracene nucleus chemotherapeutics should be monitored with cardiogram frequently.

就像是心电图一样,记录了艺术家在创作这组作品过程中的脉搏、体温和心跳。Like how cardiogram works, they show the pulse, temperature and heartbeat of the artist when he was painting.

心电图一时难以辨明的快速异位心律,病情危重者。The fast different that ⑤ cardiogram discerns hard temporarily rhythm of the heart, the person that illness danger is weighed.

所有入选者经美国阿帕奇RX-400心脏彩超仪在治疗前1周内进行心功能测试。Cardiac function of all subjects was tested with Apache RX-400 color Doppler ultrasonic cardiogram before treatment for 1 week.

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方法对163例二尖瓣脱垂综合征患者的症状、体征、心电图以及超声心动图进行分析。Methods Analyze the symptom, sign, electrocardiogram and ultrasonic cardiogram of 163 patients with mitral valve prolapse syndrome.

使用心搏量公式的计算结果评价心功能,是心阻抗血流图的重要应用方向之一。Using the SV formula to evaluate stroke volume and cardiac function is one of important application fields of impedance cardiogram.

心导纳图测定的左心功能诸指标的改变与临床心功能分级相符。Left ventricular performance measured by admittance cardiogram was consistent with clinical heart function in congenital heart defects.

目的判断直接依据右心房心电图的特征表现确定中心静脉导管尖端所在位置的合理性。Objective To understand the reasonability of dec iding the intubation depth of central venous catheter based on right atria cardiogram.

观察治疗前后症状、心电图指标、心肌酶学指标、病毒检测等的变化。And the changes in symptoms, cardiogram and biochemical est for myocardial enzymology were compared between pre therapy and post therapy.

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每日心电监测并记录心律失常,治疗前和疗程结束后用超声心动图测定心功能参数、检测肝肾功能及心肌酶学。Hepatic and renal functions were detected and the parameters of cardiac function were evaluated by ultrasonic cardiogram before and after treatment.

于细胞移植术前、术后4周,将两组大鼠进行超声心动图、血流动力学检查,测定、比较心功能的指标。Before transplantation and 4 weeks after transplantation, all the rats were examined by ultrasonic cardiogram test and haemodynamics test to determine the cardiac function.

采用线性分析和模糊模式识别理论,对动态心电图QRS波形进行检测和分析的算法进行了语法描述,并在此基础上给出了心率失常分析系统实现的具体方法。A linear analysis and pattern recognition method to detect and analyze dynamic cardiogram QRS wave are applied i this paper and an effective method for HRW analysis system is introduced.

大夫离开的那个晚上,可怜的父亲身无分文了,但他们给他做了一个心电图,使他得以呆在那里——显然,那天晚上大夫已经跟别人讲过了他的事情。The night doctor had gone, and the poor father had no money left, but they gave him a cardiogram anyway, and kept him there—apparently the night doctor had managed to speak with someone.

应用心阻抗微分血流图和左心室导管术同步观察犬的左心室早搏后强化作用。The postextrasystolic potentiation of the left ventricle was observed in 10 anesthetized dogs simultaneously with using differential impedance cardiogram and the catheterization of the left ventricle.