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你会得到实验者的号码。You get the phone number of the experimenter.

表格调查你们认为实验的有多大魅力。The forms ask how attracted you are to the experimenter.

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还有电击者与被电击者之间的距离。There was distance between the learner and the experimenter.

对于第二组孩子,示范者以不同的方式展示。With a second group of children, the experimenter acted differently.

实验者吐舌头的时候,婴儿才吐舌头。And when the experimenter stuck his tongue out, infants stuck theirs out.

自动分析也可因实验者的参予而得到帮助。The automatic analysis may be helped with interaction of the experimenter.

无论实验者告诉我什么,这个任务始终都是无聊的。The task was boring and still is boring whatever the experimenter tells me.

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主试念20个词组,要求被试进行记忆。The experimenter reads 20 phrases which are then remembered by the subjects.

一位实验者坐在12-21天大的婴儿面前,对着婴儿吐舌头、张大嘴、撅起嘴唇并摇动手指。An experimenter sat in front of tiny infants who were between 12 and 21-days-old.

如果实验者通过电话指示你电击,你电击的可能性就减少。If the experimenter gives you instructions by phone, you're less likely to do it.

当他们和主试谈话的过程中,两个人抬着一扇门从他们之间穿过。While they are talking, two men carrying a door walk between the experimenter and the student.

过了一会实验者那个白袍的人回来并让你就你的心情填了份问卷。After a while the experimenter returns and asks you to fill out a questionnaire about your mood.

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各组的成员在实验中被要求玩一个电脑游戏,每组均有一名实验人员伪装为研究志愿者。Members of each group played a computer game with an experimenter posing as a research volunteer.

坐在实验者旁边的另外一个人说他看到这个受试者按了Alt键。Another person in the room beside the experimenter said he saw the participant hitting the ALT key.

实验者得出结论,短暂的屏蔽是骗局,以鼓励更多的浪自动跳出拨号连接费时间和金钱。The experimenter concluded the short sto ages were decoys, to encourage more wasted time and money.

另外的组充当控制组,他们的答案也会被实验者进行仔细地评分。The other group served as a control, and their questions were carefully graded by the experimenter.

在左手任然在视线中时,一个实验人员用一把小刷子平行的划过每只右手。With the left hand also on view, an experimenter stroked each right hand in parallel with a small brush.

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让一个人类的实验者和房间中的“任何人”只是通过打字信息保持对话。Have a human experimenter holdaconversation with"whomever" isin the room only by means of typed messages.

随着被电击次数增多,学习者抗议了,但实验者继续要求他服从。The learner protests as he's being shocked more and more but the experimenter continues to request obedience.

然后那个实验者看上去有一点尴尬,他开始吞吞吐吐地解释说出现了一点小差错。Then the experimenter looks a little embarrassed and starts to explain haltingly that there's been a cock-up.