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这质量几乎可以忽略。And this mass is almost negligible.

他的地理知识少得可怜。His knowledge of geography is negligible.

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流言蜚语对于我来说是可以忽略的。The rumors and slanders is negligible to me.

阿托品对人体子宫的作用极微弱。Atropine has negligible effects on the human uterus.

他可以控制活门的开关而做的功则可以忽略不计。He can open and close the door with negligible work.

系统无摩擦,因此细绳质量可忽略不计。Frictionless system, and the string has a negligible mass.

但是黄金在它们的资产配置中具有微不足道的作用。But gold plays a negligible role in their asset allocations.

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但是在其他领域,进展的微乎其微或者根本没有。But in others, progress has been negligible or non-existent.

在选集中演讲者忽视了对选举的微不足道的消极反思。In the selection the lecturer neglected the negligible negative

电感器的电阻小得可以忽略不计。The resistance of an inductor is so small that it is negligible.

电感器的电阻小得可忽略不计。The resistance of an inductor is so small that it is negligible.

最终,两双眼睛的优势会丧失殆尽。Eventually, the benefit from two pairs of eyes becomes negligible.

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我们还发现,在循环使用过程中树脂中羟肟的损失是极少的。The loss of Hydroxy-oxime in resin is negligible in recirculation.

对于大阻值电阻﹐其引脚电阻是可忽略的。For high resistance measurement, the lead resistance is negligible.

在干涉仪中,光的偏振态是不可忽视的。The polarization of light is not negligible in the interferometers.

买衣服价格相差几毛钱无足轻重。In buying a suit , a difference of ten cents in prices is negligible.

结果,Silk载入某些页面的速度要稍快些,不过这种差别可谓微不足道。Silk loaded some pages a hair quicker, but the difference was negligible.

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因为你在开玩笑,所以让你把自己淹死在自己的呕吐物中不太可能。Since you're joking, the risk of drowning in your own vomit is negligible.

酒醉而成传世诗作,这样的例子在中国诗史中俯拾皆是。Drunk and into his famous, such examples in history of China in negligible.

将消费分流道那些为不做到或者没有利润的产品上,阻碍了真正的绿色产品脱颖而出。diverting spending towards products with negligible or non-existent benefits