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余下的就是蛔虫的研究。That left the roundworm.

蛔虫是罕见的在发达国家,如英国。Roundworm is rare in developed countries such as the UK.

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线虫种类繁多,其中一种很少见的白色蚯蚓在泥土下也是随处可见。Tens of thousands of roundworm species are known, and the true number could be in the millions.

目的探讨采用内镜诊断胆道蛔虫病的价值。Objective To evaluate the value of endoscopy in the diagnosis of biliary tract roundworm disease.

蛔虫可寄居在人体内数十年,而无任何不良影响,也不会激活人体免疫系统。Roundworm can live in the human body for decades without adverse effects or triggering the immune system.

1974年生物学家西德尼·布雷纳把蛔虫选作实验对象时就有这个目标。The biologist Sydney Brenner chose the roundworm as an experimental animal in 1974 with this goal in mind.

秀丽隐杆线虫是蛔虫的学名,是一种只有1毫米长的透明小生物。Caenorhabditis elegans, as the roundworm is properly known, is a tiny, transparent animal just a millimeter long.

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如果是孩子睡觉的时候磨牙,常见的原应有肚子里有蛔虫或吃的过多消化不良。If it is a time when children go to bed molar common stomach originally there roundworm or eat too much indigestion.

肝片形吸虫和鸡蛔虫对神经递质和药物的反应基本上是不同的。It was found that the responses of liver fluke to drugs were quite different from those of chicken roundworm to the same drugs.

涤虫在狗身上也比较常见而且比其它诸如蛔虫,钩虫那样普通的寄生虫要难对付的多。Tapeworms are not uncommon in dogs and are much more difficult to treat than other common worms like the roundworm or the hookworm.

硫酸阿托品能完全阻断胆碱酯类对肝片形吸虫的抑制作用,但只能部分阻断胆碱酯类对鸡蛔虫的兴奋作用。Atropine was found to cause complete block on liver fluke and only partial block on chicken roundworm to the effect of choline esters.

在一座可以俯瞰东河的八层实验室里,科妮莉亚·I·巴格曼正观察两位同事熟练操纵着显微镜下的蛔虫。In an eighth-floor laboratory overlooking the East River, Cornelia I. Bargmann watches two colleagues manipulate a microscopic roundworm.

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在他的第一个实验,他的个人色彩六个细胞的透明蛔虫秀丽隐杆线虫的帮助下,绿色荧光蛋白。In one of his first experiments, he coloured six individual cells in the transparent roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans with the aid of GFP.

和马立克氏病病毒,球虫及其他传染性物质,都可以由条板箱,鞋和运输工具携带。Roundworm eggs, pox and Marek's disease viruses, coccidia, and other infections materials can be carried on crates, footwear, and vehicles.

圆虫虫卵,痘和马立克氏病病毒,球虫及其他传染性物质,都可以由条板箱,鞋和运输工具携带。Roundworm eggs, pox and marek's disease viruses, coccidia, and other infections materials can be carried on crates, footwear, and vehicles.

在这项研究中用的两种生物,单细胞芽殖酵母和秀丽隐杆线虫,是研究老化过程的常用模式。The two organisms used in this study, the single-celled budding yeast and the roundworm C. elegans, are commonly used models for aging research.

在这项研究中用的两种生物,单细胞芽殖酵母和秀丽隐杆线虫,是研究老化过程的常用模式。The two organisms used in this study, the single- celled budding yeast and the roundworm C. elegans, are commonly used models for aging research.

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它们提供了网络级的分析,或者说是果蝇和蛔虫的“线路图”。These provide network-level analyses, or “wiring diagrams,” of the fruit fly and roundworm, said Yale University bioinformaticist Mark Gerstein, co-author of the roundworm paper.

颉颃药印防己毒不能阻断GABA对肝片形吸虫的兴奋效应,但能部分阻断对鸡蛔虫的抑制效应。It was found that the antagonist picrotoxin was unable to block the liver fluke to the excitatory effect of GABA, while it could partially block the roundworm to the inhibitory effect of GABA.