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有十二个刎。There are twelve.

这男孩十二岁。The minge is twelve.

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他12周岁。He's twelve years old.

12能被2除尽。Twelve divides by two.

三减酒娲是十两。Three plus nine is twelve.

吉姆是个男孩,他十二岁了。Jim is a boy. He is twelve.

迈克是学生。他十二岁了。I am a student. He is twelve.

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十二英寸等于一英尺。Twelve inches go to one foot.

你十二点钟才上床睡觉!I go to bed at twelve o'clock!

十二美元半百美分。Mai. That's twelve dollars 50.

时钟正打12点。The clock was striking twelve.

然后我们要再拍十二部戏。Then we have to do twelve more.

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我比十二个你加在一起都强,马尔福。I'm worth twelve of you, Malfoy.

让我们从零数到十二。Let's count from zero to twelve.

九和十二可用三约。Nine and twelve cancel by three.

时钟鸣报十二点钟。The clock chimed twelve o'clock.

这座楼有十二层。This building has twelve floors.

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什么?现在都十二点了。宿醉?What? It's twelve now. Hungover?

你十二点钟才上床睡觉!You go to bed at twelve o'clock!

他十二点钟才上床睡觉!He goes to bed at twelve o'clock!