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请访问ASLA年度大会网站。Please visit the official ASLA Annual Meeting website.

提供ASLA学生会员资格一年,包括各种福利。Provides Student ASLA membership for one year, including all benefits.

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提供美国景观设计师协会一年会籍,包括会费和各种福利。Provides ASLA membership for one year, including chapter dues and all benefits.

请注意该公司跟ASLA和我们的年会没有任何隶属关系。Please be advised that Global Corporate Events is in no way affiliated with ASLA and the annual meeting.

我们建议参展商通过ASLA年度大会官方网站预订酒店。Exhibitors are advised to make their hotel reservations by going to the official ASLA Annual Meeting website.

必须是符合条件的全日制学生。提供ASLA学生会员资格一年,包括各种福利。Must be a full time student to be eligible. Provides Student ASLA membership for one year, including all benefits.

这是ASLA和美国历史保护信托会联合授予的。这是一个很有影响力的机构。It is given jointly by the ASLA and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, which is a very influential organization.

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大会期间,ASLA将提供年会期间参会者所获得的学时的证明文件。Following the meeting, ASLA will provide attendees with access to a certificate providing proof of the PDH earned throughout the annual meeting.

但是土耳其“民族日报”的政治专栏作家埃丁塔斯巴说,安尼尔是错在把土耳其人的感受,在电视上说了出来。But political columnist Asla Aydintasba, of the Turkish newspaper Milliyet, says Anil's mistake was to say on televison what many Turks are feeling.

我们籍此申请在ASLA展会上所用展位。如果我们申请的展位已被分配,我们要求ASLA分配最好的可用展位。We hereby apply for exhibit space for our use at the ASLA EXPO. If our choices of space have been assigned, we request ASLA to assign best available space.

我们了解当我们的代表签署此申请,并被ASLA接受时,此申请将成为合同具有法律效力。We understand that this application becomes a contract when signed by our representative and accepted by ASLA. Payments for 2010 exhibit space may not be applied to subsequent EXPOs.