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至又无言去不闻。Come and gone taciturnity.

那被绑的人又回复到沉默状态。The prisoner had relapsed into his taciturnity.

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他是一座虚无的雕像,沉默不语。The person is a vain statue. wear taciturnity calm.

只有实实在在的一顿饭才能使他暂时缄口无言。It was only a substantial meal that could induce in him even a passing taciturnity.

王和甫仍是笑嘻嘻地说。他的老是带几分开玩笑似的笑嘻嘻,和孙吉人的沉默寡言是很相反的。Wang Ho-fu spoke with his usual bantering smile, which contrasted strongly with Sun Chi-jen's reticence and taciturnity.

将军们随即庄严肃穆地退场,像参加完了葬礼一样。After that the generals began to disperse with the solemnity and circumspect taciturnity with which people separate after a funeral.

许导演的特长――慢工出细活,给予思想上的回旋余地,角色的沉默寡言和电影剧情的高涨。Director Heo's specialties-his craft in slowing down time, giving leeway for thoughts and the taciturnity of characters, soars in this movie.

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双眼中的红血丝则揭露了情绪和睡眠的困扰,就连身体的姿势,也无言地透露出我们的生命经历与看法。In both eyes' red capillary has exposed the mood and sleep's puzzle, body's posture, also the taciturnity discloses our life experience and the view.

或许这样的惦念最终会是无言的结局,然而这是我所能承受的,即使知道再也不会有相遇的那一天,再也感受不到手指间触碰的温度。Perhaps this is the final will miss the taciturnity result, however, is what I can afford, even know never have met that day, never feel fingers touched the temperature.

安德烈公爵向季莫欣看了一眼,季莫欣惊恐地、困惑不解地望着他的团长,安德烈公爵一反平时沉默寡言的矜持态度,现在似乎激动起来了。Prince Andrey glanced at Timohin, who was staring in alarm and bewilderment at his colonel. In contrast to his usual reserved taciturnity , Prince Andrey seemed excited now.