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他们是滚动的债务。They are rolling liabilities.

他们是滚动的债务。Vehicles. They are rolling liabilities.

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债权人净资产值就是负债。The creditor'sequity is the same as liabilities.

这里净资产是指资产减去债务。Net worth is defined as assets minus liabilities.

第三章具体阐述了心理健康侵权民事责任。Chapter three is tort liabilities of mental health.

如公司有以下的负债项目,请打钩。Please check if the company holds below liabilities.

沈重的债务迫使公司破产。Heavy liabilities forced the company into bankruptcy.

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被依法追究刑事责任的。He is subject to criminal liabilities according to law.

流动负债为“0”时,速动比率为多少?Current liabilities as "0", the quick ratio is how much?

应付债券是长期负债的典型例子。Bonds payable are the typical example of long-term liabilities.

资产负债表说明了公司的资产和债务情况.The balance sheet shows the corporation’s assets and liabilities.

自模型协定中节录出的假设债务,和评论。Assumed Liabilities excerpt from a model agreement, with comments.

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对于当事人的民事责任,我们必须穷追到底。We should search thoroughly for any civil liabilities of the client.

主要的流动负债是应付账款和应计费用。The main current liabilities are accounts payable and accrued expenses.

第二,债权人的债权必须是可重定价和可交易的。Secondly, the liabilities of banks must be re-pricing and transactional.

各项流动负债应当按实际发生数额记帐。All current liabilities shall be accounted for at actual amount incurred.

各项流动负债应该按实际发生额记帐。All current liabilities shall be accounted for at actual amount in curred.

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但是为什么资产总额等于负债加业主权益的总和呢?But why do total assets equal the total of liabilities and owner's equity ?

要票据上签字答应付款如果收票人不付的话。Accounts payable and notes payable are typical example of current liabilities.

由于这些欠债包括股票,因此会受市场波动影响。Because the liabilities include stock, they are subject to market fluctuation.