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这个镇位于东经二十四度。The town is at longitude 24 degrees east.

我们的位置是东经116度。Our position is longitude 116 degrees east.

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她最感兴趣的是那条经线。What interested her most was the longitude line.

这张地图甚至包含了经线和纬线。The map even includes lines of latitude and longitude.

经线在靠近两极时逐渐靠近,最终汇聚在一起。Lines of longitude converge as they approach the poles.

他推说这条经线没有经过海洋。He replied that lines of longitude don't cross the ocean.

难道所有人都关心自己所在的确切经纬度?Why would anyone care about their exact latitude and longitude?

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地图上一般都会经纬线的,请大家查一下“巴黎”具体位置。So check out a map that has latitude and longitude marked on it.

地球上每一点都可以用地理纬度和经度来确定。Each point on Earth is specified by geographic latitude and longitude.

在交响乐湖畔N箭头所指处的经度和纬度各是多少?What is the latitude and longitude of the N-arrow in the Symphony Lake?

请填写调查地区所在的经度和纬度,用度、分、秒注明。Give the latitude and longitude of the site, in degrees, minutes and seconds.

这种夹着讽刺的批判像一条经线贯穿老舍的幽默作品中。This cynical animadvert impenetrates Laoshe's humorous works like a longitude.

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但是由于地球自西向东的旋转,所以这种方法并不适合于经度的计算。But since the earth spins always eastward that trick doesn’t work with longitude.

经度是从拉丁语而来的,其意思正如其字面所说的,是对长度的测量。Longitude is from Latin and it means what it sounds like, a measurement of length.

三年前纳尔逊先生去了位于东经24度的另一个城镇。Three years ago Mr. Nelson went to another town that was at longitude 24 degrees east.

提供佛典相关地名规范资料查询,。Information on place names from Buddhist sources with latitude and longitude. KML output.

你在北纬40-41度之间,西经59-60度之间。You are between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude.

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地球表面根据经线或纬线大概划分出来的任何一个区域。One used to represent a unit of measurement, such as feet or minutes in latitude and longitude.

正如上面提到的,必须假设源表包含纬度和经度值。As mentioned above, you must assume that the source table contains latitude and longitude values.

全球定位系统确定用户位置,点击地图上的城市选择,或进入经纬度。User location set by GPS, clicking on map, city selection, or by entering Latitude and Longitude.