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茶和咖啡都行。Either tea or coffee.

此外马修也不错。Matt's not bad, either.

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我也不急着往里投。I’m in no hurry, either.

两条路我们可以任挑一条走。We can take either road.

这个字有两种解译。The word can mean either.

胜负还未分出。This could go either way.

周如砥也醒了。Zhou Rudi waked up either.

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其中之一是一件好事。Either one is a good thing.

但莲子也不会死掉。But it will not die, either.

我要么能放就放进去。I either put it in if I can.

咖啡和茶,我喜欢一样儿。I like either coffee or tea.

我们从来看不见自己的另一只眼。We never did see either eye.

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柳绿河岸边。Willows green on either side.

你可以祷告,也可以惊慌。You can either pray or panic.

但真爱比这两者都更重要。But love was more than either.

他也不把它打掉。He did not strike off, either.

要么产生神经冲动,要么处于静息状态It either fires or it doesn't.

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却没有人肯雇他。Nobody hired him there either.

教授,黑暗也不存在。Darkness does not exist either.

那么,也别对你前妻/夫这么做。Don't do it to your ex, either.