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信使完成了第三次飞越在2009年9月29日。MESSENGER completed its third flyby on Sept. 29, 2009.

事业蒸蒸,越飞越高像大鹏。Cause steams , flyby height resembles increasingly big rocs.

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飞船现在没有足够的燃料去完成另一次飞掠。The craft does not have enough fuel on board to do another flyby.

访问火星土星环的周围飞掠表面,并会见了曙光。Visit the surface of Mars flyby of Saturn's rings around and met the dawn.

上面这幅土卫二的高分辨率图片,是卡西尼探测器近距离掠过时拍摄的。Pictured above, a high resolution image of Enceladus is shown from a close flyby.

从开始铺设到上天,MBR-2的生产过程耗时3.5个月,但实际上并不能达到。The process of manufacturing MBR-2 from the moment of laying before the flyby took 3.5 months.

美国宇航局的卡西尼号飞特派团发表的新照片,这周冰喉爆发,从表面。NASA's Cassini flyby mission released new photos this week of icy jets erupting from the surface.

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这是一张海卫一全球彩色照片,由旅行者2号飞船拍摄于1989年,当时它正飞越海王星系。Taken in 1989 by Voyager 2 during its flyby of the Neptune system, this is a global color mosaic of Triton.

只有旅行者2号一直是天王星,1977年推出并在八点一五万公里未来在1986年1月24日飞越。Only Voyager 2 has been to Uranus, launched 1977 and coming within 81,500 km during the January 24, 1986 flyby.

先后两次飞越水星,“信使号”已经大大提高了我们对于水星表面特征的认知。In just two flyby encounters, MESSENGER has already greatly increased our knowledge about Mercury's surface features.

幸运的是,这次飞越同时发生在金星位于同太阳间最大角距的位置上。Fortuitously, the flyby also happens at the same time that Venus is at its maximum elongation from the Sun as seen from Earth.

月亮的真实面目随着这幅于2004年6月11日由卡西尼号飞越目标轨道上的一个定点时拍下的两幅图像合成而来的图像所阐明的惊人事实而逐渐显露出来。Phoebe's true nature is revealed in startling clarity in this mosaic of two images taken during Cassini's flyby on June 11, 2004.

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在1980年,“航行者一号”宇宙飞船利用一次飞近探测的机会,拍下了几张“泰坦”不透明、锈色的大气层的神秘而令人沮丧的特写镜头。In 1980, the Voyager-1 spacecraft took advantage of a flyby to take a few mysterious, yet frustrating close-ups of Titan's opaque, rusty atmosphere.

如果您有兴趣,这里给出了“旅行者”号拍摄的影像资料链接,你会发现木星大气层多么活跃。For kicks, we’ve include the original footage from the Voyager flyby below, where you can get a good look at just how lively Jupiter’s atmosphere can be.

这个直径达52千米的陨石坑得名于印象派画家,图中的小插图是由1970年代水手10号太空船执行任务时拍摄的。Named for the impressionist painter, the 52 kilometer diameter crater is also shown in an inset context image from the Mariner 10 flyby mission in the mid 1970s.

先前的几个计画是快速地飞越冥王星与冥卫一,「新视野」可就不一样。它会在最靠近冥王星之前六个月,就开始研究冥王星与冥卫一。Unlike earlier plans for a quick flyby of Pluto- Charon , New Horizons will begin its study of Pluto- Charon six months before its closest approach to the planet.

2010年3月29日美国宇航局公布了这张照片,它是由卡西尼号探测器于今年2月份飞过这颗卫星时,所拍摄到的几张照片拼合而成。The combined picture, released March 29, 2010, is based on several shots taken by NASA's Cassini orbiter during its closest ever flyby of the tiny moon in February.

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科学家们继续研究数据的头两个再次对准并准备收集更多信息,甚至从第三飞越地球上2009年9月29日。Scientists continue to examine data from the first two flybys and are preparing to gather even more information from a third flyby of the planet on September 29, 2009.

在2005年对土卫五的近天体探测飞行中,科学家们期待利用美国宇航局的卡西尼宇宙飞船在月球表面拦截粒子的地方观察到读数下降。During a 2005 flyby of Rhea, scientists working with NASA's Cassini spacecraft expected to see a dip in their readings where the moon's surface intercepted the particles.

08年10月6号,“信使号”二次飞越水星后传回地球的首批照片发现了广阔壮观的辐射纹。In one of the first images transmitted back to Earth following MESSENGER's second flyby of Mercury on October 6, 2008, a spectacular and extensive system of rays can be seen.